[UAI] CFP: Special session at NMR'2002: Uncertainty Frameworks in Nonmonotonic Reasoning

From: Lluis Godo (godo@iiia.csic.es)
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 15:11:11 PST

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                          --- CALL FOR PAPERS ---
              Uncertainty Frameworks in Nonmonotonic Reasoning

                             Special Session at

            9th Intl. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning NMR'2002
                     April 19-21, 2002, Toulouse, France
                 (Collocated with KR'2002, April 22-25)

    The abilities to handle uncertain information and to reason
    nonmonotonically from incomplete knowledge are crucial features of an
    intelligent behaviour in a complex and dynamic environment. This is
    why reasoning under uncertainty and nonmonotonic reasoning have
    established themselves as major research areas in Artificial
    Intelligence during the recent decades. The aim of this special
    session (or mini-workshop) at NMR'2002 is to bring together
    researchers working in the intersection of both fields. We address
    people working on traditional nonmonotonic reasoning tasks using
    uncertainty reasoning tools as well as people from uncertainty
    management approaching nonmonotonic aspects of their models. We will
    especially welcome papers that explore the relationship between
    different approaches and that improve understanding and
    cross-fertilization of different techniques from both fields.

    This is the second meeting on uncertainty frameworks in nonmonotonic
    reasoning. The first meeting was held as a special session at
    NMR'2000, April 9-11, 2000, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA (collocated
    with KR'2000, April 12-15, 2000).

    The main focus of the meeting is in nonmonotonic aspects related to
    the following topics:

    * formalisms for reasoning under uncertainty
            (probabilistic, possibilistic, belief, plausibility),
    * qualitative vs numerical representations,
    * independence and graphical representations,
    * belief revision and update of uncertain knowledge,
    * handling inconsistency in uncertain knowledge,
    * fusion of uncertain knowledge,
    * uncertainty in logic programming and databases,
    * action and planning under uncertainty.

    Some perspectives of interest are:

    - - theoretical foundations,
    - - combination of different approaches,
    - - comparison and relationship between different approaches,
    - - empirical studies,
    - - systems and implementations,
    - - algorithms and complexity,
    - - real-life applications,
    - - future challenges.


    We invite submissions on the themes listed above (but not limited
    to). Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages (excluding title
    page and references) of standard LaTeX 12pt article format. Work
    reported should not have appeared elsewhere. Informal proceedings
    containing accepted papers will be distributed at the meeting,
    post-workshop (formal) proceedings will be announced later.

    We strongly encourage electronic submission of papers in postscript
    or pdf format. To submit a paper electronically, send an email
    message to both of the Program Co-Chairs (see email addresses below)
    that includes the following information:

    * paper title (plain text),
    * author names (plain text),
    * surface mail and email address of contact author (plain text),
    * a short abstract including keywords (plain text),
    * paper body (postscript or pdf format).

    Authors unable to submit papers electronically should send the above
    four items by email to both of the Program Co-Chairs and three copies
    of the complete paper by surface mail to one of the Program Co-Chairs
    (see addresses below).


    Submission of papers: February 1, 2002
    Acceptance decision by: February 18, 2002
    Camera ready copy due: March 8, 2002

    Please note that registration for NMR'2002 is a necessary condition
    for participating in the meeting.


    Lluis Godo
    Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial (IIIA)
    Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)
    08193 Bellaterra, Spain
    Email: godo@iiia.csic.es

    Thomas Lukasiewicz
    Institut fuer Informationssysteme
    Technische Universitaet Wien
    Favoritenstrasse 9-11
    1040 Wien, Austria
    Email: lukasiewicz@kr.tuwien.ac.at


    for the 9th Intl. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning NMR'2002:

    for the special session on Uncertainty Frameworks in Nonmonotonic
    Reasoning UFN'2002:

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