[UAI] Call for papers ILP 2002

From: stan (Stan.Matwin@lri.fr)
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 15:10:04 PST

  • Next message: Lluis Godo: "[UAI] CFP: Special session at NMR'2002: Uncertainty Frameworks in Nonmonotonic Reasoning"

                          Inductive Logic Programming 2002

                                  Call for Papers

    ILP2002 is the twelfth in a series of international conferences on
    Inductive Logic Programming. We are pleased to announce that ILP2002
    will be co-located and coordinated with the Nineteenth International
    Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2002), and with the Fifteenth
    Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory (COLT 2002),
    bringing together the various communities of researchers who have a
    common interest in Machine Learning. ILP 2002, ICML 2002 and COLT 2002
    will include an extensive joint series of invited speakers and
    tutorials. The mandate of the ILP 2002 Programme Committee is to
    extend the coverage of the field by including also aspects of
    relational learning other than learning of concept definitions
    expressed in Prolog (see a non-exclusive list of topics below).

    ILP2002 seeks submission for its two tracks: one for conference papers
    and one for work in progress reports.

         We encourage papers that present substantial new results in
         theoretical, empirical and applied research in all areas of ILP.
         This includes, for example (a non-exhaustive list):
         - first-order rule learning
         - learning probabilistic and statistical relational models
         - link discovery
         - learning from relational databases
         - learning in representations other than logic (e.g. learning tree
           patterns, learning conceptual graphs)
         - (multi)relational data mining
         - ILP-specific issues in relational data mining outside model building
           (sampling, evaluation, etc.)
         - multi-instance learning
         - change of representation and propositionalization
         - relational reinforcement learning
         - instance-based and kernel-based methods in ILP
         - relational text and Web mining; learning from semi-structured data
           (e.g. XML)
         - learnability and algorithmic issues of learning from structured data
         - inductive databases
         - learning in higher-order logics
         - logical foundations of induction
         - efficient implementations
         - practical applications of ILP and Relational Data Mining

         All accepted conference
         papers will appear in the ILP2002 proceedings, which will be published
         by Springer-Verlag in the Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence

         Series. It is hoped that a journal special issue will come out of
         selected papers in this track.

         Work-in-progress reports should be high in interest and potential,but
         will typically contain only preliminary results and analyses. The
         work-in-progress track is intended to showcase promising new
         directions and allow feedback on preliminary work. Challenge and
         position papers are also suitable. We especially encourage students
         to submit their preliminary work. Reports accepted for this track will
         be presented at the conference (probably via a poster presentation)
         and will appear in a booklet distributed to participants at the


         Papers submitted to either track should be no longer than 18 pages.
         Significantly shorter papers are very welcome. There will be a further
         announcement on the ILP 2002 website about the mode of submission.
         Submissions must be in Springer LNCS/LNAI style, or equivalent (45
         lines per page, 78 characters per line). For details see
         It is the author's responsibility to ensure that the PostScript file
         is printable. The submission deadlines are
         listed below. All submissions will be acknowledged shortly after

         TIMETABLE Conference Papers Work-in-Progress
         Submission deadline: February 15, 2002 May 1, 2002
         Notification: March 15, 2002 May 15, 2002
         Camera-ready copy: April 5, 2002 May 30, 2002
         Conference dates: July 9 - 12, 2002

         All enquiries should be sent to: ilp2002@lri.fr
         ILP200 home page www.site.uottawa.ca/~stan/ilp2002
         Springer LNCS/LNAI home page http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/
         LNAI author instructions
         Programme Chairs:
         Stan Matwin Claude Sammut
         University of Ottawa University of New South Wales
         Ottawa, Canada Sydney, Australia
         current address:
         stan@lri.fr claude@cse.unsw.edu.au
         tel. +33 1 69 15 69 04 +61-2-9385-6932
         fax +33 1 69 15 65 86 +61-2-9385-4936
         Programme Committee:
         H. Blockeel (Belgium) I. Bratko (Slovenia)* J.F. Boulicaut
         J. Cussens (UK) T. Dietterich (USA) S. Dzeroski
         F.Esposito (Italy) J. Furnkranz (Austria) L. Getoor (USA)*
         T. Horvath (Germany) D. Jensen (USA) L. Holder (USA)
         P. Flach (UK) K. Furukawa (Japan) R. Khardon (USA)
         J-U.Kietz (Switzerland) S. Kramer (Germany) N. Lavrac
         R. Mooney (USA) S. Muggleton (UK) D.Page (USA)
         B. Pfahringer (NZ) L. De Raedt (Germany) D. Roth (USA)*
         C. Rouveirol (France) L. Saitta (Italy) M. Sebag (France)
         A.Srinivasan (UK) P. Tadepalli (USA) A. Yamamoto (Japan)

         S. Wrobel (Germany) G. Zaverucha (Brazil) J-D. Zucker
         (*) to be confirmed

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