<Sorry for multiple copies>
Please find enclosed the last calls for papers for
ECAI 2002: 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
*** Submission deadline: January 18, 2002 ***
PAIS 2002: Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems
*** Submission deadline: January 18, 2002 ***
Please find also the call for paper for
STAIRS 2002: First European Starting AI Researcher Symposium
*** Submission deadline: March 1, 2002 ***
Finally, please consider having a look on the lists of the
ECAI'2002 workshops and tutorials, which are now available
on our website: http://ecai2002.univ-lyon1.fr
Yannick Prié
The ECAI 2002 Programme Committee invites submission of papers for
the Technical Programme of the 15th biennial European Conference
on Artificial Intelligence.
18 Jan 2002 Deadline for paper summaries
22 Jan 2002 Deadline for papers
22 April 2002 Notification of acceptance
10 May 2002 Camera-ready copies of papers
24-26 July 2002 Technical programme at ECAI 2002
Submissions are invited on substantial, original and previously
unpublished research in all fields of Artificial Intelligence,
including, but not limited to:
Abduction Knowledge Representation
AI Abduction and Creativity Logic Programming
AI Architectures Machine Learning
Art and Music Machine Translation
Automated Reasoning Meta-Heuristics for AI
Autonomous Agents Model-Based Reasoning
Bayesian Learning Multi-Agent Systems
Belief Revision Natural Language Processing
Case-Based Reasoning Neural Networks
Causal Reasoning Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Cognitive Modelling Ontologies
Cognitive Robotics Perception
Common-Sense Reasoning Philosophical Foundations
Computer-Aided Learning Planning
Conceptual Graphs Probabilistic Reasoning
Configuration Qualitative Reasoning
Constraint Programming Real-Time Systems
Constraint Satisfaction Reasoning about Actions and Change
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Reasoning under Uncertainty
Decision Theory Reinforcement Learning
Deduction Resource-Bounded Reasoning
Description Logics Reuse of Knowledge
Design Robotics
Diagnosis Satisfiability Testing
Discourse Modelling Scheduling
Distributed AI Search
Game Playing Spatial Reasoning
Genetic Algorithms Speech Processing
Geometric Reasoning Temporal Reasoning
Inductive Logic Programming Text Mining
Information Extraction Theorem Proving
Information Retrieval User Modelling
Intelligent User Interfaces Verification and Validation
Knowledge Acquisition Vision
Knowledge-Based Systems
Formatting guidelines
It is highly recommended to submit papers using the final camera-
ready formatting style, except that author names should be omitted,
and replaced by the tracking number. Submissions must not exceed
five pages in camera-ready format. Submissions of unformatted
papers are limited to 6000 words including footnotes, figure
captions, tables, appendices, and bibliography. Each half-page
of figures will be counted as 600 words. (Please note that for some
papers five camera-ready pages may be considerably less than 6000
words in practice.) Overlengthy submissions will be rejected
without review. Authors submitting unformatted papers must include
a word count on their paper.
Guidelines on the format of submissions are available on the
ECAI 2002 Style Guide page
Latex style files to support formatting of submissions are also
available (http://ecai2002.univ-lyon1.fr/cfp/latex).
Final versions of accepted papers will be required to conform
strictly to the formatting requirements specified in the ECAI 2002
Style Guide. Each accepted paper will be allocated five pages in
the proceedings.
Submission procedure
Submission is a two-stage process. Authors are asked to submit a
brief summary of their paper by 18 January 2002, followed by their
full paper before 22 January 2002 (23:59 CET). The strongly
preferred submission method for summaries is to use the web-based
summary submission form
Submitted summaries will be assigned a unique tracking number that
should be marked on the full paper submission. Authors without access
to the web should send a summary including the title, authors,
contact address and abstract of the paper (maximum 200 words), plus
keywords drawn from this list (plus other key-words if appropriate)
to the ECAI 2002 Programme Chair (by email or postal mail).
The summary information and the tracking number should also be
included with the paper itself, on a separate sheet of paper.
Authors not able to use the web-based submission form may omit the
tracking number.
The strongly preferred submission method for full papers is
electronically, by email to: ecai2002-submission@cs.vu.nl Only
PDF files will be accepted. A free service to convert a number of
widely used file formats to PDF is available at
http://createpdf.adobe.com/ (the first three uses of this service
are for free). Submissions in hardcopy may also be made if electronic
submission is prob-lematic for the authors. In that case, six
copies of the paper (each including the summary sheet) should be
sent by postal mail or courier service to the ECAI 2002 Programme
Chair, Frank van Harmelen, at the address below. The deadline for
receipt of papers is 22 January 2002 (23:59 CET) for both electronic
and hardcopy submissions.
Papers received after this date will not be reviewed. Notification
of receipt of full papers will be mailed to the corresponding author
soon after receipt.
Frank van Harmelen, ECAI 2002 Programme Chair
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Summary form:
Email submission: ecai2002-submission@cs.vu.nl
Email correspondence: ecai2002@cs.vu.nl
Tel: +31-20-444 7700
Fax: +31-84-872 2806
Anonymous reviewing process
ECAI 2002 will operate an anonymous reviewing process. Reviewing
for ECAI 2002 will be blind to the identities of the authors and
their institutions. To allow for blind reviewing replace the authors
line in your submission by the unique tracking number assigned by
the submission of the summary form (or leave it empty in case you
are not able to use the web-based summary submission form). Please
avoid identifying self-references. Replace phrases like "We have
shown in [n]" by "In [n] it has been shown ...".
Multiple submissions policy
ECAI 2002 will not accept any paper which at the time of submission
is under review for, or has already been published or accepted for
publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also
expected not to submit their papers elsewhere during the review
period. These restrictions only apply to journals and conferences
and not to workshops or similar specialised meetings with limited
audiences. The title page should include a statement that "this
paper is not under review or accepted for publication in another
conference or journal".
The review process
All submissions will be subject to academic peer review by the
ECAI 2002 Programme Committee under the chairmanship of the ECAI 2002
Programme Committee Chair. The ECAI 2002 Programme Committee Chair
has final authority over the review process and all decisions
relating to acceptance of papers. Review criteria include originality
of ideas, technical soundness, significance of results, and quality
of presentation. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted
papers will be mailed to the corresponding author by 22 April 2002.
The best paper of the conference, as selected by the ECAI 2002
Programme Committee, will receive a prize sponsored by Elsevier
Science. The authors will also be invited to publish a longer
version of the paper in the Artificial Intelligence journal. The
authors of the 10 next best papers will all be invited to submit
a long version of their paper to a special fast-review track of
the Artificial Intelligence journal.
Conference proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published and distributed by
IOS Press on paper and as a CD-ROM. The authors will be responsible
for producing camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the
ECAI 2002 formatting guidelines, for inclusion in the proceedings.
The deadline for receipt of the camera-ready copy is 10 May 2002.
Note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required
to attend the conference to present the paper.
Support for Central and Eastern Europe
ECAI 2002 is dedicated to supporting AI research in Central and
Eastern Europe. A travel grant to attend the conference will be
given to one author of each accepted paper from Central or Eastern
Europe. Also, authors from Central and Eastern Europe are offered
the possibility of pre-reviewing. They can submit their paper
anytime after 1 October 2002 to the ECAI 2002 Central and Eastern
Europe Chair at the address below. The paper will then be assigned
to a pre-reviewer, who may yield useful suggestions for the authors.
The pre-reviewing is aimed at supporting authors from Central and
Eastern Europe, and is no guarantee of acceptance of the final paper.
Michael Beetz
Department of Computer Science IX
Technical University Munich
Orleansstr. 34 81667 Munich Germany
Tel: +49 (89) 48095-129
Fax: +49 (89) 48095-120 (-203)
Email: beetzm@in.tum.de
----*********************************************************************** ** PRESTIGIOUS APPLICATIONS OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (PAIS-2002) ** ***********************************************************************
ECAI 2002 is pleased to announce its "Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems" (PAIS-2002) sub-conference. The PAIS-2002 Programme Committee invites authors to submit application papers.
------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------------------------------------ 18 Jan 2002 Deadline for PAIS papers summaries 22 Jan 2002 Deadline for papers 22 Apr 2002 Notification of acceptance 10 May 2002 Camera-ready copies of papers 24-26 July 2002 PAIS-2002, Lyon ------------------------------------------------------------
This event, associated with ECAI 2002 is created to specifically highlight significant successful applications of intelligent system technology. The purpose of the event is to provide a forum for industry practitioners to learn about the power and applicability of selected intelligent system techniques and share experience on the applicability, development and deployment of intelligent systems in industry. This will be the largest showcase in Europe of real applications using intelligent system technology and the ideal place to meet with those working to make successful intelligent system based applications.
The Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems event will present papers describing successful applications of intelligent systems. Although associated with ECAI, it has a separate review process conducted by experts in the application of intelligent system technologies. Papers are selected to highlight critical areas of success (and failure) and to present the benefits and lessons of value to other developers. Submitted papers should make these points clear. Accepted papers will be published in a special section of the ECAI 2002 proceedings.
------------------------------------------------------------ PAIS CHAIR ------------------------------------------------------------ Boi Faltings Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle (LIA) Département Informatique (DI) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Ecublens 1015 Lausanne Switzerland
Email : faltings@lia.di.epfl.ch Tel: +41 21 693-2735 Fax: +41 21 693-5225 ------------------------------------------------------------
Paper submissions to PAIS 2002 will follow exactly the same format and procedure as ECAI 2002. Papers must respect the formatting and length restrictions given on page 5, but additionally should be clearly marked as a submission to PAIS on the first page. Submissions should be made electronically or in hardcopy to the same addresses and by the same deadlines as papers submitted to the regular conference. Do not submit papers directly to the PAIS programme committee. For full details, see: http://ecai2002.univ-lyon1.fr/
*********************************************************************** ** FIRST EUROPEAN STARTING AI RESEARCHER SYMPOSIUM (STAIRS-2002) ** ***********************************************************************
Affiliated to ECAI'2002, Lyon, July 22-23, 2002
STAIRS'2002 is the first European Starting AI Researcher Symposium, an international meeting aimed at AI researchers, from all countries, at the beginning of their career: PhD students or people holding a PhD for less than one year. It offers them: 1.a first experience on submitting and presenting a paper in an international forum with a broad scope and thorough selection process; 2.the opportunity to gather knowledge and exchange ideas related to their research problems and approaches, and to attend ECAI at a reduced cost; 3.information on European research careers and mobility.
STAIRS'2002 will be held in Lyon, in the period immediately preceeding ECAI'2002.
Additional information about STAIRS'2002 will be found on the symposium web pages: http://stairs2002.univ-lyon1.fr/
Title and abstract due to the PC co-chairs March 1, 2002 Paper submission deadline March 6, 2002 Notification of acceptance sent to authors April 19, 2002 Camera-ready copies due to the PC co-chairs May 6, 2002 Symposium venue July 22-23, 2002
Submissions are invited on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research in all fields of Artificial Intelligence, including, but not limited to:
Adaptive Sytems Automated Reasoning Autonomous Agents Case-Based Reasoning Causal and Probabilistic Reasoning Cognitive Science in AI Constraints Data Mining and Information Retrieval Description Logics and Conceptual Graphs Diagnosis and Abduction Distributed AI Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing Intelligent User Interfaces Intelligent Web Applications Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Logic Programming Machine Learning Model-based and Qualitative reasoning Multi-Agent Systems Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition Neural Networks Nonmonotonic Reasoning Ontology Planning and Scheduling Real-time AI and Control Reasoning about Actions and Change Robotics Search Spatial and Temporal Reasoning Uncertainty in AI Vision
Additionally, we welcome contributions addressing practical results and lessons learned from the integration of artificial intelligence techniques into industrial applications, either completed or in progress. Such papers should be clearly identified as "Application paper" and will be treated separately by the Program Committee.
Submission is a two-stage process. Authors are first asked to submit a summary of their research paper by March 1st, 2002, by sending it to stairs@dis.uniroma1.it, including the title, the names of all authors with full affiliations and email addresses, the contact author, and an abstract of the paper (maximum 200 words), plus keywords drawn from the above list of topics (plus other keywords if appropriate). Please do not forget to add "Application paper" when relevant.
The full paper should be sent electronically to the same address by March 6th, 2002, in either PostScript or PDF format (the latter being highly preferred). Free services to convert a number of widely used file formats to PDF are available at http://createpdf.adobe.com/ and at http://wheel.compose.cs.cmu.edu:8001/cgi-bin/browse. If electronic submission is problematic, please contact both PC co-chairs by February 15 (addresses are below).
It is highly recommended to submit papers using the final camera-ready formatting style (including authors and affiliations on the first page). Submissions must not exceed six pages in camera-ready format, or 10 pages in plain article format (such as the Springer LNCS format). Overlength submissions will be rejected without review. Guidelines on the format of submissions and style files will be available on the STAIRS'02 webpage http://stairs2002.univ-lyon1.fr/ The final version of accepted papers will be required to conform strictly to these guidelines, and will be allocated six pages in the proceedings.
Papers received after March 6th 2002 (23:59 CET) will not be reviewed. Notification of receipt of full papers will be emailed to the corresponding author soon after receipt.
Papers should address significant research works undertaken by the authors. At least one of the authors must be a PhD student, or a person holding a PhD for less than a year. Preference will be given to papers whose authors are all in such condition.
All submissions will be subject to academic peer review by the STAIRS'2002 Program Committee. Each paper will be assigned at least two reviewers. Review criteria include originality of ideas, technical soundness, significance of results, and quality of presentation.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be emailed to the corresponding author by April 19, 2002.
The conference proceedings will be published and distributed by IOS Press. The authors will be responsible for producing camera-ready copies of papers, conforming to the STAIRS'2002 formatting guidelines, for inclusion in the proceedings. The deadline for receipt of the camera-ready copy is May 6, 2002.
For each accepted paper, at least one author, and most preferably one of the beginner researchers involved in the work, is required to attend the conference to present the paper.
At least one best paper of the conference will be selected by the STAIRS'2002 Program Committee, and announced during the Gala Dinner on the evening of July the 22nd. The authors of this paper, as well as those of other papers selected by the Program Committee, will be invited to submit a longer version for a fast review process for publication in the AI Com journal.
TThierry Vidal ENIT Tarbes, 47, avenue d'Azereix - BP 1629 F-65016 Tarbes cedex, France Tel: +33-5-62442762 Email: thierry@enit.fr
Paolo Liberatore Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, University of Roma La Sapienza, Via Salaria 113, I-00198, Roma, Italy Tel: +39-0649918488 Email: liberato@dis.uniroma1.it
The PC consists of 39 junior established researchers, most of them having completed their PhD in the past decade, and either European or working in a European research team.
Liliana Ardissono, University of Turin, Italy Carlos Areces, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Alessandro Artale, UMIST University of Manchester, United Kingdom Bernhard Beckert, University of Karlsruhe, Germany Gianluca Bontempi, Interuniversitair Micro-Elektronica Centrum, Belgium Jean-Cédric Chappelier, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland George Coghill, University of Wales, UK Silvia Coradeschi, Örebro University, Sweden Carlos Damásio, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Khalid Daoudi, INRIA Lorraine, France Nadja De Carolis, University of Bari, Italy Alvaro del Val, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain Luc de Raedt, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany Yannis Dimopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Alexis Drogoul, University Paris 6, France Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr, Université d'Angers, France Dieter Fox, University of Washington, USA Jose Manuel Gutierrez, University of Cantabria, Spain Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany Patrick Lambrix, Linköpings universitet, Sweden Vincenzo Lombardo, Universitŕ del Piemonte Orientale "A. Avogadro", Italy Vittorio Maniezzo, Universitŕ di Bologna, Italy Dunja Mladenic, Josez Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia Abdel-Illah Mouaddib, University of Caen, France Bart Netten, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Barry O'Sullivan, University College Cork, Ireland Chris Reed, University of Dundee, UK Jochen Renz, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Jussi Rintanen, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany Florence Sellini, Airbus, UK Barry Smyth, University College Dublin, Ireland Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe, Germany Csaba Szepesvári, Mindmaker Ltd, Hungary Hans Tompits, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Ioannis Tsamardinos, University of Pittsburgh, USA Sofie Verbaeten, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Rob Vingerhoeds, Siemens, Toulouse, France Lluís Vila, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain Pinar Özturk, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology Throndheim, Norway
Nathalie Guin-Duclosson Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systčmes d'Information (LISI) Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 Nautibus (Bâtiment 710), 8 Boulevard Niels Bohr Domaine scientifique de la Doua, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France Email : stairs2002@bat710.univ-lyon1.fr
with Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Stéphanie Jean-Daubias, Serge Fenet, Sandra Nogry, Simone Pimont, Arnaud Stuber, Olivier Teytaud
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