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Session: Formal Methods in Healthcare
The Sixth Biennial World Conference on
Integrated Design & Process Technology
IDPT 2002
Doubletree Hotel, Pasadena, California
June 23-28, 2002
* http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/idpt-healthcare *
The 6th World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology
(IDPT 2002) will be held in
Pasadena (California), June 26 - 30, 2002
This conference is organized by the Society for Design and Process
Science (SDPS) and traditionally covers all topics of integrated
design and process technology in software development as well as
mechanical and other areas of engineering. IDPT is certainly one of
the most challenging conferences combining different communities from
Computer Science and Engineering. The IDPT 2002 conference will be
chaired by Bernd Kraemer (Germany) and John C. Peterson (CA) and
cosponsored by NASA. Program Chairs are Hartmut Ehrig (Germany) and
Atila Ertas (TX).
A special session on
Formal Methods in Healthcare
is being organized within this conference.
For years, computer science is actively contributing to (technical)
advances in healthcare. Rather new, but of increasing importance is
the application of formal methods in the medical domain. For example
medical protocols describing standard procedures for well known
illnesses are becoming more and more popular (especially in the US and
various countries in Europe). Using protocols promises to improve
quality and efficiency in healthcare. It is obvious that standardising
diagnosis and treatment of illnesses is safety critical. Spending a
lot of effort in assuring the quality of the outcoming protocols is
justified as the protocols are written once and applied often. Highest
qualities can be achieved by using formal methods.
This session shall bring together existing approaches concerning
formal methods in healthcare.
All topics which are related to formal methods in the medical domain,
in particular
o Domain knowledge specification
o Knowledge acquisition
o Clinical/Medical guidelines and protocols
o Quality assessment
o Secure dissemination of healthcare
o Specification methods and languages in healthcare
o Verification and validation
o Automated reasoning with medical knowledge
o Applications and case studies
o Tool support
1. a 200-word abstract which includes title, author's full name(s),
affiliations and addresses, e-mail address, fax, and telephone,
2. the full paper (of up to 10 pages),
both no later than January 15, 2002 by e-mail to the session organizer
According to the conference rules, each submitted paper will be
reviewed and evaluated by the program committee based on at least
three referee reports. The PC will make a decision by March 1, 2002,
and the final version of the full paper is due by March 15, 2002.
All accepted papers should be prepared in Microsoft Word,
postscript (ps) or PDF and e-mailed as attachments to the session
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Abstracts will be published in hard copy and the full papers on CD.
Furthermore, competitively selected papers will be reviewed for
publication in the
SDPS Transactions: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science.
o Full paper and abstract submissions due January 15, 2002
o Final acceptance by PC March 1, 2002
o Final manuscript due March 15, 2002
o Conference June 23-28, 2002
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif
Lehrstuhl Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen
Institut für Informatik
Universität Augsburg
D-86135 Augsburg
Phone: ++49 821 598 2176
Fax: ++49 821 598 2175
Email: reif@informatik.uni-augsburg.de
Web: http://www.informatik.uni-augsburg.de/swt
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