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Second International Workshop on
Quantified Boolean Formulae (QBF-02)
To be held alongside SAT 2002
Fifth International Symposium on the Theory and
Applications of Satisfiability Testing
May 6-9, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
There is a considerable interest at present in quantified boolean
formulas (QBFs). Recent progress has included theoretical and
experimental studies as well a number of new and efficient
QBF-solvers. There is considerable hope that the successes
seen in the area of propositional SAT will be repeated in the
area of quantified boolean formulas.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together people who are
interested in both theoretical and practical aspects of reasoning
with quantified boolean formulas. Topics of interest include (but
are not limited to)
o proof theory and calculi for QBFs;
o implementations of QBF solvers;
o benchmark generation and evaluation methodology;
o applications of QBFs, e.g., in knowledge representation, planning, formal
verification, etc.;
o (boolean) quantification and non-classical logics.
Authors should send submissions of up to 10 pages in postscript
format by e-mail to Massimo Narizzano <mox@mrg.dist.unige.it> by April 1st,
2002. Papers should be formatted according to LNCS guidelines in A4 format.
Notification of acceptance will be by April 15th. Informal proceedings
will be available at the workshop.
Participation will be by invitation only. All authors of accepted
papers and PC members will be invited. Other researchers who are
interested in participating should send an e-mail to Massimo Narizzano
<mox@mrg.dist.unige.it> by April 1st, 2002.
Organizing committee
Hans Kleine Büning
Uwe Egly
Ian Gent
Enrico Giunchiglia (co-chair)
Holger Hoos
Reinhold Letz
Jussi Rintanen
Marco Schaerf
Stephen Majercik
Toby Walsh (co-chair)
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