NATO Advanced Study Institute
Learning Theory and Practice (LTP 2002)
July 8-19 2002 - K.U. Leuven Belgium
-General Objective-
This NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and
Practice aims at creating a fascinating interplay between
advanced fundamental theory and several application areas
such as bioinformatics, multimedia/computer vision, e-commerce
finance, internet search, textmining and others. It offers an
interdisciplinary forum for presenting recent progress and
breakthroughs in learning theory with respect to several areas
as neural networks, machine learning, mathematics and statistics.
-Invited Lecturers-
Peter Bartlett (Australian National University Canberra, AUS)
Kristin Bennett (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York, USA)
Chris Bishop (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK)
Nello Cristianini (Royal Holloway London, UK)
Luc Devroye (McGill University Montreal, CAN)
Lazlo Gyorfi (T.U. Budapest, HUN)
Gabor Horvath (T.U. Budapest, HUN)
Rudolf Kulhavy (Honeywell Technology Center Prague, CZ)
Vera Kurkova (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ)
Joerg Lemm (University of Muenster, GER)
Charles Micchelli (IBM T.J. Watson, USA)
Tomaso Poggio (MIT, USA)
Massimiliano Pontil (University of Siena, IT)
Bernhard Schoelkopf (Max-Planck-Institute Tuebingen, GER)
Yoram Singer (Hebrew University Jerusalem, IS)
Steve Smale (U.C. Berkeley, USA)
Johan Suykens (K.U. Leuven, BEL)
Vladimir Vapnik (AT&T Labs Research, USA)
Mathukumalli Vidyasagar (Tata Consultancy Services, IND)
-Organizing committee-
Sankar Basu (IBM T.J. Watson, USA)
Gabor Horvath (T.U. Budapest, HUN), Co-director partner country
Charles Micchelli (IBM T.J. Watson, USA)
Johan Suykens (K.U. Leuven, BEL), Director
Joos Vandewalle (K.U. Leuven, BEL)
-Program and participation-
According to the NATO rules http://www.nato.int/science the number of
ASI students will be limited to 80. All participants will obtain a *free*
registration (including welcome reception, lunches, banquets,
refreshments and a NATO-ASI Science Series book to be published
with IOS Press). Limited additional funding will be available to
cover attendance costs. All interested participants should fill
out an application form, taking into account the NATO restrictions.
Application form and preliminary program are available at
The Advanced Study Institute will take place in the Arenberg Castle
of the K.U. Leuven Heverlee. The place is surrounded by several
restaurants/cafes and parks where one may have a relaxing walk. The
historical town of Leuven is within walking distance from the meeting
site. Leuven is also well-known for its pleasant atmosphere, pubs and
In addition to hotels rooms, blocks of low cost student rooms are
reserved for the ASI students. The student rooms and hotels are located
within walking distance from the Arenberg castle meeting site. In order
to stimulate the interaction among the participants the option of
student rooms will be recommended to all ASI students.
-Important Dates-
Deadline submission of application form: March 18, 2002
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2002
NATO-ASI LTP 2002 meeting: July 8-19, 2002
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