The machine learning group at the University of Toronto has
recently expanded and we are looking for about 10 new graduate
students. The core machine learning faculty include:
Craig Boutilier (Computer Science)
Brendan Frey (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Geoffrey Hinton (Computer Science)
Radford Neal (Statistics, Computer Science)
Sam Roweis (Computer Science)
Rich Zemel (Computer Science)
In addition, there are many other faculty interested in applying
machine learning techniques in specific domains such as vision,
speech, medicine, and finance. More details about the individual
faculty can be obtained at
Possible research areas include: Neural Computation and
Perceptual Learning, Graphical Models, Monte Carlo Methods,
Bayesian Inference, Spectral Methods, Reinforcement Learning
and Markov Decision Problems, Coding and Information Theory,
Bioinformatics, and Game Theory.
Applications for graduate study in the Department of Computer
Science are due by Feb 1. For details of how to apply see
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