November 6-8, 2002
Portland, Oregon, USA
FMCAD'02 is the fourth in a series of biennial symposia on formal
methods in computer-aided design. The conference provides a forum for
presenting state-of-the-art tools, methods, and technologies for the
application of formalized reasoning to the design of microelectronic
systems. The conference will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA,
November 6-8, 2002.
The conference covers all formal aspects of computer-aided system
design; including specification, verification, synthesis and testing.
Papers on original research, case studies, technology transfer, and
practical experience are solicited. A principal goal of the
conference is to provide opportunities for researchers in the field to
interact with the semiconductor and CAD industries.
Topics and areas include, but are not limited to:
o Verification tools and techniques based on model checking, theorem
proving, and related or hybrid technologies.
o Implementation methods, tools, and techniques based on formal
synthesis, design derivation, transformation, and
correct-by-construction approaches.
o Specification methods and analysis tools based on formal
o Environments for heterogeneous reasoning in design; that is, the
integration of multiple reasoning tools and formalisms
o Case studies and applications of formal methods in industry.
o Algorithms and data structures for formal analysis of design
structure and behavior.
As a leading forum for advancing formal methods in system design
practice, FMCAD seeks groundbreaking results involving new
technologies or application domains. In addition to advances along
established lines, FMCAD promotes work that broadens the effective
use of rigorous reasoning to attain high levels of design integrity.
The conference proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series, which includes both printed and
electronic dissemination. Consequently, camera ready copies of
accepted papers must include all source files. Consult Springer's
Authors Instructions for instructions on article preparation
Important dates:
Submission: April 1, 2002
Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2002
Final manuscripts: August 1, 2002
Papers: 18-page limit, with abstract. Simultaneous submission to
other conferences or journals and submission of previously published
material are not allowed.
Tutorials and Tool Demos: 7-page, 12-point font abstract for
evaluation. We encourage presentations of tools on a suitable set
of completely worked out examples.
Portland is a vibrant city of coffee houses, restaurants, brew pubs,
parks, bookstores, and bike paths located at the fork of the
Willamette and Columbia rivers in the US Pacific Northwest. The
region is part of the "Silicon Forest" and is home to many high-tech
hardware and software companies.
General Chair: Program Chair:
John O'Leary Mark Aagaard
Strategic CAD Labs Dept of Elect. and Comp. Engineering
Intel Corporation University of Waterloo
5200 NE Elam Young Parkway Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
Hillsboro, OR 97124 CANADA
Program Committee:
Mark Aagaard (University of Waterloo, CANADA)
Dominique Borrione (University of Grenoble, FRANCE)
Randal E. Bryant (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)
Jerry Burch (Cadence, USA)
Eduard Cerny (Synopsys, USA)
Shiu-Kai Chin (Syracuse University, USA)
Ed Clarke (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)
David Dill (Stanford University, USA)
Hans Eveking (Darmstadt University, GERMANY)
Masahiro Fujita (University of Tokyo, JAPAN)
Steven German (IBM, USA)
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (University of Utah, USA)
Mike Gordon (Cambridge University, UK)
Susanne Graf (University of Grenoble, FRANCE)
Kiyoharu Hamaguchi (University of Osaka, JAPAN)
Ravi Hosabettu (Sun Microsystems, USA)
Alan Hu (University of British Columbia, CANADA)
Warren Hunt (IBM, USA)
Steve Johnson (Indiana University, USA)
Robert Jones (Intel, USA)
Thomas Kropf (Bosch, GERMANY)
Andreas Kuehlmann (Cadence, USA)
John Launchbury (Oregon Graduate Institute, USA)
Tim Leonard (Compaq, USA)
Andy Martin (Motorola, USA)
Ken McMillan (Cadence, USA)
Tom Melham (University of Glasgow, UK)
Paul Miner (NASA, USA)
John O'Leary (Intel, USA)
Laurence Pierre (University of Provence, FRANCE)
Carl Pixley (Synopsys, USA)
David Russinoff (AMD, USA)
Mary Sheeran (Chalmers University & Prover Technology, SWEDEN)
Eli Singerman (Intel, ISRAEL)
Anna Slobodova (Intel, USA)
Ranga Vemuri (University of Cincinnati, USA)
Matthew Wilding (Rockwell Collins, USA)
Jin Yang (Intel, USA)
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