2nd International Conference on
Liverpool, UK, September 9 - 12, 2002
Web-Page: http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~vri2/
Contributions are invited for a multi-disciplinary workshop on Visual
Representations and Interpretations. This will be a multi-disciplinary
meeting exploring all aspects of visual images, their interpretation,
representation and modeling, and their relationships to other forms of
human knowledge and activities.
The value of multi-disciplinary research, the exchanging of ideas and
methods across traditional discipline boundaries, is well recognised.
It could be argued that many of the advances in science and engineering
take place because the ideas, methods and the tools of thought from one
discipline become re-applied in others.
The topic of "the visual" has become increasingly important as advances
in technology have led to multi-media and multi-modal representations,
and extended the range and scope of visual representation and
interpretation in our lives. Under this broad heading there are many
different perspectives and approaches, from across the entire spectrum
of human knowledge and activity. The development of advanced graphics
for computer games and film animations, for example, has drawn on and
led developments in computational geometry. Even outside the
technological sphere, recent controversies over artworks which some have
considered to be blasphemous show the power of the visual to manifest
wildly different interpretations, and to become a topic of everyday
conversation and a focus of political activity.
One goal of this workshop on Visual Representations and Interpretations
is to break down cross-disciplinary barriers, by bringing together
people working in a wide variety of disciplines where visual
representations and interpretations are exploited.
The first Workshop on Visual Representations and Interpretations was
held in Liverpool in 1998. Contributions to the workshop came from
researchers actively investigating visual representations and
interpretations in a wide variety of areas including: art, architecture,
biology, chemistry, clinical medicine, cognitive science, computer
science, education, engineering, graphic design, linguistics,
mathematics, philosophy, physics, psychology and social science.
VRI2002 aims to build on this good beginning, and to provide a forum for
wide-ranging and multi-disciplinary discussion on visual representations
and interpretations. Contributions on any aspect of visual
representations and interpretations are welcomed, including, though of
course not limited to:
- - visual representation languages
- - film and photographic interpretation
- - art as argument
- - diagrams and sketches
- - the philosophy, sociology and politics of art and images
- - formalization and representation of images
- - visual human-machine interaction
- - connections between visual and other human senses
- - computational geometry
- - diagrammatic reasoning
- - the modeling of patterns and form
- - blueprints and scale models
- - visual metaphors and knowledge discovery
Contributions in the form of original research papers are invited.
Papers should be a maximum of 12 pages in length. There will be the
opportunity to edit accepted papers after the Workshop for inclusion in
the final published proceedings.
Paper submissions should be sent to:
Grant Malcolm (Conference Chair)
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Chadwick Building
Peach Street
Liverpool L69 7ZF
Papers can also be submitted by email, PROVIDED THEY ARE IN PDF OR
POSTSCRIPT FORMAT,in which case they can be sent to:
Submission of contributions: 1 April 2002
Notification of Acceptance: 15 May 2002
Submission deadline for pre-proceedings: 20 July 2002
VRI-2002 Conference: 9-12 September
Submission deadline for Elsevier volume: 30 September
The edited proceedings of the workshop will be published after the event
by Elsevier Science in a volume entitled "Multidisciplinary Studies of
Visual Representations and Interpretations"
Submissions will be refereed by two or more members of the Program
Caroline Baillie (Liverpool, UK)
Michael Biggs (Hertfordshire, UK)
Ernst Binz (Mannheim, Germany)
Nicola Dioguardi (Milan, Italy)
Andrée Ehresmann (Amiens, France)
Paul Fishwick (Gainesville, USA)
Jean-Louis Giavitto (Evry, France)
Peter Giblin (Liverpool, UK)
Joseph Goguen (San Diego, USA)
David Goodsell (La Jolla, USA)
Leo Groarke (Waterloo, Canada)
Rom Harré (Oxford, UK, and Washington, USA)
Robin Hendry (Durham, UK)
Mike Holcombe (Sheffield, UK)
John Lee (Edinburgh, UK)
Deborah Leishman (Los Alamos, USA)
Charles Lund (Newcastle, UK)
Michael Leyton (New York, USA)
Peter McBurney (Liverpool, UK)
Grant Malcolm (Liverpool, UK)
Mary Meyer (Los Alamos, USA)
Arthur Miller (London, UK)
Irene Neilson (Liverpool, UK)
Ray Paton (Liverpool, UK)
Walter Schempp (Seigen, Germany)
Travel and accommodation details will be posted in due course on the
conference web-page:
Questions and inquiries should be directed to:
Ray Paton
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Email: R.C.Paton@csc.liv.ac.uk
Peter McBurney
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 7ZF
Tel: + 44 151 794 6760
Email: P.J.McBurney@csc.liv.ac.uk
Web page: www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~peter/
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