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Call for Paper
First World Congress on Information Technology in Environmental Engineering
ITEE 2003, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland, June 24 - 27, 2003.
Acquisition, storage and processing of environmental information are
becoming vital to preserving the quality of human life. Potentially
dangerous changes are happening in the atmosphere, oceans, animal
habitats and places where hazardous materials are used, or have been
discarded without adequate environmental protections.
In recent years, information technology has become significant to all
scientific groups and fields involved in environment
engineering. Knowledge based systems which enable the study of
environmental changes have been developed, are being extended to
manage those environments. New paradigms for designing objects to
enable easy disassembly and recovery of components contribute to
reuse. Developments in exploiting alternative energy sources are
reducing dependence on non-renewable resources. Surveillance
techniques enable tracking of persons likely to threaten the lives of
persons or their environment.
The ITEE 2003 conference will provide a forum for exchanging
information among pollution engineers, knowledge engineers and
scientists. Some of the objectives include discussion of projects for
long-term storage of data, data update and validation, and the
consistency of data. Research topics and funding opportunities
discussed at the conference will be of interest to all
researchers. Another objective is to discuss means of assessing the
potential of individual teams in implementation and modelling of
large-scale systems.
Topics of Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE'2003)
1. Tools and measurement techniques
· Water and air pollution measuring
· Continuous monitoring of gaseous and particulate pollutants using state-of-the-art monitoring equipment
· Monitoring of meteorological parameters, dust, wet and dry deposition
2. Formal methods and data processing techniques
· Pollution engineering and management
· Air quality management
· Environmental and water resource engineering
· Process studies
· Chemistry of air pollution
· Urban and suburban transport emissions
· Data assimilation and sensitivity analysis
· Data management
· Data access via the Internet
· Coupling of models and databases
· Updating of model calculation during run-time
· Data visualisation
· Data interchange formats and standards
· Geographic information systems
· Comparison of modelling with experiments
· Data analysis and observation
· Data processing and verification, including database management
· Data security - data mining
· Management and Distribution of Electrical Energy
· Power Distribution Systems
3. Modelling and simulation problems
· Modelling of atmospheric chemical kinetics (gas and aqueous phases)
· Chemical transformation modelling
· Aerosol modelling
· Mesoscale meteorology
· Urban scale meteorology
· Emission models
· Coupling with radiative effects
· Numerical simulation of transport
· Numerical simulation of atmospheric chemical kinetics
· Inverse modelling
· Ground water pollution modelling
· Water pollution modelling and prediction
· Urban pollution modelling
· Models for ground water (groundwater), surface water, storm water
· Risk and environmental modelling
· Soft modelling
4. Information systems
· System management
· Agent-based systems
· Planning for environmental engineering (EE)
· Intelligent systems for environmental engineering (EE)
· Artificial intelligence and expert systems for environmental engineering
· Architectures for building the systems
· Knowledge based integration
· Distributed computing environments
· WWW-based for EE systems
· Decision support systems - distributed systems
5. Practical applications and experiences
· Practical solutions
· Systematic guide-lines
· Case studies, pilot projects and experiments
· Applications in the cities
· Application in agriculture
Confirmed Plenary Speeches:
Stanislaw R. Massel: 'Measurements, Data Processing and Modelling in the
Modern Marine Studies'
Jozef M. Pacyna: 'THE DPSIR Framework as a Scientific Support for Policy
Response and Management Options in the Coastal Zone'
Confirmed Keynote Speech:
A. Sydow: 'Simulation Software for Air pollution Management'
Confirmed Tutorials:
Peter G. Anderson: 'Genetic Algorithms'
Kurt Fedra: 'Urban Environmental Management: towards the City of Tomorrow'
The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers are requested to send a session proposal - consisting of 4-5 invited papers - to the general chair and respective area co-chair. Invited sessions should preferably start with the title and the purpose of the session and a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers register to the conference.
Several workshops/tutorials are planned for ITEE 2003. Each
workshop will focus on a particular topic, and consist of several
presentations and open discussions. The proposal for a workshop
should include the title, topics covered, proposed speakers, targeted
audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the workshop. The
proposal should be submitted to the general chair and respective area
co-chair by September 30, 2002, and the NAISO Planning department:
Submission of papers can be done through our web site
Submission Deadline September 30, 2002
Notification of Acceptance December 31, 2002
Delivery of Manuscripts February 28, 2003
Early bird-registration February 28, 2003
Registration March 31, 2003
Conference June 24 - 27, 2003
Achim Sydow (Honorary General Chair)
Cezary Orlowski Ph.D (General Chair)
TU Gdansk
Email: cor@zie.pg.gda.pl
Edward Szczerbicki (Co-Chair)
University of Newcastle, Australia
Email: mees@cc.newcastle.edu.au
NAISO The Netherlands (Operating Division)
P.O. Box 1091
3360 BB Sliedrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 184 496999
Fax: +31 184 421065
Email: itee2003@global-conf.org (Operating Division)
planning@icsc.ab.ca (Planning Division)
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