(apologies for cross-posting)
Please help forward to interesting persons
Call for papers
(1).2002 International Conference on "Information and Knowledge
Engineering" (IKE'02) June 24-27, 2002 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
(2). Special Session on "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning" in 2002
International conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), June 24-27,
2002 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Please visit the following website for links to these events
You may submit paper to any one or both these events. In case a submission
is accepted for both, you have to withdraw from one. You are welcome to
submit proposals for Chairing Technical Sessions in the IKE '02 Conference.
The names of Session Chairs will appear as Associate Editors on the cover of
the Conference Proceedings.
If you no longer wish to receive updates on these events, please email to
bhanu@canes.gsw.edu and you will be removed promptly from our mailing list.
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