Our apologies if you receive more than one call for papers for SARA
2002 (Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation). The
deadline for indicating an intent to submit is February 20, 2002.
Robert Holte
Sven Koenig
Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
Kananaskis Mountain Lodge, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada
August 2-4, 2002 (immediately after AAAI-2002)
SARA-2002 is an Artificial Intelligence symposium on all aspects of
abstraction, reformulation, and approximation. Like past SARAs, it
will consist of stimulating technical presentations spanning the
traditional boundaries that fragment Artificial Intelligence research.
Three invited speakers will give their perspectives on abstraction,
reformulation, and approximation.
Attendance is limited to approximately 50 participants. Some funding
is available to subsidize the cost of graduate students whose research
involves techniques of abstraction, reformulation or approximation.
SARA-2002 will be situated amidst the spectacular Rocky Mountains of
the Kananaskis Valley, 60 miles west of Calgary, Alberta, and 45 miles
southeast of Banff, Alberta.
To make it convenient for AAAI-2002 attendees to participate in SARA,
a luxurious bus will drive from the AAAI conference site to the SARA
site the afternoon of August 1.
Submissions are due on February 25, and may be either full papers
or extended abstracts. Authors are requested to send a notification
of intent to submit, together with a draft title and short abstract,
by February 20, 2002 to sara-submission@cc.gatech.edu
Additional information, including a complete call for papers, may be
obtained from the symposium home page
If you would like to receive updates about the conference, please send
email to holte@cs.ualberta.ca and ask to be added to the SARA mailing
We gratefully acknowledge support from AAAI and NASA.
-- Robert Holte holte@cs.ualberta.ca
Sven Koenig skoenig@cc.gatech.edu
SARA-2002 co-chairs
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