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Workshop on Agents in Computer Games
at The 3rd International Conference on Computers and Games (CG'02)
(Co-located with AAAI and UAI 2002)
July 27, 2002, Edmonton, Canada
Current generations of computer and video games offer an incredibly
attractive vehicle for agent and human-agent interaction research.
Such games combine rich and complex environments with professionally
developed, stable, physics-based simulation. They are real-time and
very dynamic, encouraging quick and intelligent decisions. Computer
games are also often multi-agent, making cooperation, teamwork, and
opponent modeling key elements to success. In addition, the
multi-billion-dollar game market has significantly increased
commercial interests in cooperating with researchers and opening
games, via programmable interfaces, to synthetic agents.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together agent and game
researchers and practitioners to discuss the application of artificial
agent research to modern computer and video games. We hope to provide
a forum for research already applied to this domain, as well as
exciting work in other relevant domains. In addition we hope to
create a connection between AI researchers and game developers. The
synergy of these two communities would offer great benefits for both.
Researchers would get an inside view of the challenges and goals of
current computer game AI. Game developers could see the current state
of the art in artificial agent research in a form that is relevant to
their future products.
Submissions are encouraged from agent and AI researchers. Agent
research that has yet to be applied, but is relevant and promising, to
computer games is also very much encouraged. Submissions along these
lines should include thoughts on how their work might fit into a
computer game agent, challenges it addresses, and the strengths and
weaknesses of their work in the context of computer games. Topics
within computer game agents include, but are not limited to,
o Teamwork, coordination, and communication
o Planning in highly dynamic environments
o Multi-agent learning and adaptation
o Human-agent interaction
o Opponent modeling
o Believable and emotional agents
o Evaluation and benchmarks
o Test-beds and game interfaces
o Challenges faced by AI in commercial games
o Improving collaboration between the game industry and researchers
Submitted technical papers should follow the Springer LNAI format, and
are limited to 16 pages in length. Formatting instructions are
available at "http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html".
Game developers that are interested in presenting may instead submit a
position abstract or a description of challenges facing commercial
game AI design.
All submissions are due by April 15. They should be in postscript or
PDF format and submitted electronically following the instructions
posted on the workshop website posted above.
o Submission deadline: April 15, 2002
o Notification to authors: May 31, 2002
o Camera ready copy: June 21, 2002
o CG'02 Early Registration: June 15, 2002
Michael Bowling (Carnegie Mellon University) mhb@cs.cmu.edu
Gal Kaminka (Carnegie Mellon University) galk@cs.cmu.edu
Regis Vincent (SRI International) vincent@ai.sri.com
Tristan Cazenave (Université de Paris 8)
Keith Decker (University of Delaware)
Ian Frank (ETL)
Frédérick Garcia (INRA)
Bryan Horling (University of Massachusetts)
Ian Horswill (Northwestern University)
Éric Jacopin (Université de Paris 6)
Peter Jarvis (SRI International)
John Laird (University of Michigan)
Mike Lewis (University of Pittsburgh)
Alex Nareyek (AI Center, Carnegie Mellon University)
Charlie Ortiz (SRI International)
Will Uther (Carnegie Mellon University)
Thomas Wagner (Honeywell)
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