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Call for Papers / Participation
Imperial College, London, UK, 2-5 April 2002
(co-located with AISB'02)
Following in the highly successful series of Workshops on Automated
Reasoning, this workshop will provide an informal forum for the
automated reasoning community. This workshop series aims to bring
together researchers from all areas of automated reasoning in order
to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilisation of ideas among
researchers from various disciplines; among researchers from
academia, industry and government; and between theoreticians and
The workshop will cover the full breadth and diversity of automated
reasoning and will include topics such as:
- Theorem proving in classical and non-classical logics
- Equational reasoning
- Unification
- Induction
- Verification
- Specification
- Constraint solving
- Decision procedures
- Formal methods
- Interactive theorem proving
- Nonmonotonic reasoning
- Abduction
- Logic-based knowledge representation
- Description logics
- Implementation
- Experiments
Participation The workshop is intended to be an inclusive event, with
participants encouraged from the broad spectrum covered by the field
of automated reasoning. We encourage the participation of experienced
researchers as well as those new to the field, especially students.
Format of the Workshop
There will be invited talks, panel sessions, short presentations of
the papers, and poster sessions. The workshop will last 2 days and
will be co-located with the AISB'02 convention which runs 2-5 April
2002. More precise programme details will be announced shortly.
For details about AISB'02 see: http://comma.doc.ic.ac.uk/aisb2002/.
Submission of Papers
We invite interested persons to submit a camera-ready two-page
abstract in either Postscript or PDF format by email to
tw@cs.york.ac.uk about recent work or work in progress, or a
system description. Each submission should include the names and
complete addresses (including email) of all authors. Correspondence
will be sent to the first author, unless otherwise indicated. The
main objective of the abstracts is to spread information about recent
work in our community. Abstracts will be published in informal
workshop notes and be made available by WWW.
Panel Sessions
Proposals for panel sessions should be made as soon as possible.
Please email the proposal to tw@cs.york.ac.uk.
Organising Committee
Robin D. Arthan (Lemma 1)
Alan Bundy (University of Edinburgh)
Tony Cohn (University of Leeds)
David Crocker (Escher Technologies)
Clare Dixon (University of Liverpool)
Ulle Endriss (King's College London)
Michael Fisher (University of Liverpool)
Alan Frisch (University of York) -- Organising Committee Chair
Ian P. Gent (University of St. Andrews)
Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University)
Manfred Kerber (University of Birmingham)
Hans Juergen Ohlbach (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Munich)
Andrei Voronkov (University of Manchester)
Toby Walsh (University of York) -- ARW 2002 Programme Chair
Important Dates
Receipt of submission: any day before 1 March 2002
Notification of authors: 2 days after submission
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