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Simposio de Informática
y Telecomunicaciones
25-27 de Septiembre del 2002
Sevilla, Spain
Estimado/a colega:
Es un privilegio para nosotros invitarte al Simposio de
Informática y Telecomunicaciones (SIT'02) que se llevará
a cabo del 25-27 de Septiembre en la Escuela Técnica
Superior de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de
El simposio, celebrado anualmente, se ha convertido en
un foro en el que investigadores involucrados en
proyectos o líneas de trabajo aplicables en el campo de
la tecnología de la información y las telecomunicaciones
pueden presentar sus últimos resultados, discutir sobre
ellos y establecer una red de contactos con personas
interesadas en temas similares. En este sentido, una de
nuestras mayores motivaciones es poder entablar
contactos que promuevan el intercambio y el contraste de
opiniones, así como la transferencia de resultados de
investigación hacia las empresas de nuestro entorno
También es un honor celebrar el SIT'02 en Sevilla, una
ciudad a la que sus calles llenas de colorido, sus gentes
y sus monumentos convierten en el lugar ideal para la
celebración de un simposio de estas características.
En caso de estar interesado en contribuir, rogamos visite
la página http://tdg.lsi.us.es/~sit02/ En esta encontrará
información sobre la conferencia, así como las instruc-
ciones necesarias para hacernos llegar su contribución.
Para cualquier aclaración, no dude en ponerse en contac-
to con nosotros mediante la dirección de correo electró-
nico sit02@tdg.lsi.us.es. Por favor, no utilice para ello
la dirección remitente de este mensaje.
Senén Barro Miguel Toro Rafael Corchuelo
Presidente Vicepresidente Presidente
del Comite del Comité del Comité
de Programa de Programa Organizador
Symposium on Informatics and Telecommunications
Organised under the auspices of DINTEL
Sevilla, Spain, September 24-27, 2002
SIT'02 is the Spanish Symposium on Informatics and
Telecommunications. During previous editions, it has consolidated as
a mature event in which researchers from Spain, surrounding
countries, and Latin America meet to discuss new findings, make
contacts and consolidate ideas. Its focus is on exchanging new
research results in the broad field of informatics and
telecommunications. It is not a pure scientific meeting, but a mixed
gathering where people from the industry and the academia are
expected to exchange ideas, experiences and foster lively discussions
on topics ranging from pervasive computing to real-time distributed
systems or security concerns.
The Distributed Group (http://tdg.lsi.us.es) has the honour to
organise the 2002 edition of SIT, which is going to be held under the
auspices of DINTEL in Sevilla (Spain).
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Users of information systems are increasingly demanding higher
performance, mobility, inter-connectivity, friendlier interfaces to
heterogeneous data sources, personalisation, and so forth in order to
realise the dream to have access to their information anywhere,
Furthermore, companies seek for complex software-based, distributed
systems that rely on the Internet as a means for effective, fruitful
co-operation with other organisations. It is not surprising then that
many such companies have explored a new trend in shifting from being
component and system developers to being service providers on the
Summing up, distributed systems are becoming pervasive in every field
of information technology, from high-performance scientific
applications to embedded systems, from web-based enterprise solutions
to mobile end-user programmes over wireless infrastructures. Thus,
there is increasing agreement amongst researchers and practitioners
about the importance and potential of such systems and the advances
in this area made in recent years.
The future success of distributed systems will not only be dependent
on how the basic requirements are met, but also how the underlying
distributed technology can be integrated with existing complementary
technologies and applications such as the Web, multi--media,
telecommunications, agents or databases. The new development requires
research on new architectures, frameworks, processes, and
inter-connectivity of information systems at society, organisation,
team, and personal levels.
- -----------------
This symposium aims to combine presentations of scientific work and
workshops with both academic and commercial product demonstrations
that focus on how distributed systems and telecommunications can
provide engineers with efficient tools for developing information
systems that can meet the above-mentioned requirements and promises.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
Pervasive Computing Network Intelligence
Mobile Computing Internet Software Engineering
Tele-working Distance Learning
Tele-medicine Tele-detection
Tele-robotics Mobile Agents
Quality Awareness On-line Distributed Systems
Cluster Computing Advanced Interaction Models
Telecommunications Databases
Real-time Systems Security
SIT'02 seeks for high-quality contributions in four categories,
* Technical papers: We are chiefly interested in papers that report
on experiences using standard frameworks, new development platforms,
interdisciplinary integration, research findings, or disastrous
experiences as long as they present original, unpublished results.
Papers should discuss one issue and argue about what the problems
are, what the solutions can be, and what the keys to successfulness
or unsuccessfulness are. Standard extended abstracts that are pure
descriptions of yet another prototype are strongly discouraged; only
contributions that describe outstanding techniques or solutions and
can foster vivid discussion will be accepted.
* Workshops: One-day workshops affiliated with the symposium will be
held as parallel events. Their purpose is to provide a forum for
presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly more focused way
than the symposium itself. As such, it also offers a good opportunity
for young researchers to present their work and to obtain feedback
from an interested community. The organisers must write a report on
the main results and conclusions so that it can be published at the
symposium's web site.
* Special sessions: Many sessions will be arranged by the organisers
of SIT'02, and they will group bunches of related papers on the
above-mentioned topics. However, we also seek for special session
proposals focusing on a well-defined topic related to informatics
and/or telecommunication not mentioned previously.
* Product demonstrations: Both academic and commercial product
demonstrations are welcome as long as they provide a piece of
praiseworthy work in the field of distributed systems or
telecommunications. This brings developers an opportunity to show
their results in practice, which is difficult in other conferences
and symposia.
- --------------
* Steering committee
J. Rivero (Chair of Fundación DINTEL)
S. Barro (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
R. Corchuelo (Univ. de Sevilla)
J.L. Freire (Univ. Coruña, Organiser of SIT'01)
J.M. Corchado (Univ. Salamanca, Organiser of SEID'00)
* Prospective programme committee
S. Barro (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
J. Pérez (Univ. Politécnica Madrid)
M. Toro (Univ. Sevilla)
TBA (Consult the web page)
* Organising committee
R. Corchuelo (Univ. Sevilla)
J.L. Arjona (Univ. Sevilla)
A. Durán (Univ. Sevilla)
A. Gómez (Univ. Sevilla)
O. Martín (Univ. Sevilla)
J. Peña (Univ. Sevilla)
J.A. Pérez (Univ. Sevilla)
A. Ruiz (Univ. Sevilla)
D. Ruiz (Univ. Sevilla)
- ---------------
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for
papers, workshops, special sessions and product demonstrations to
SIT'02. Such proposals must be written in either Spanish or English
and must be typeset using the author kit by Springer Verlag. We do
not encourage the use of MS Word, particularly as the layout of the
pages (the position of figures and paragraphs) can change from
printout to printout. We would like to stress that the style files
should not be manipulated and that the guidelines regarding font
sizes and format should be adhered to.
The following guidelines must be taken into account depending on the
* Technical papers: They must include a one-hundred--word abstract
and up to five key words. They should not exceed 12 printed pages
including figures, tables and references. (60 EURO will be charged for
each extra page.) Prospective authors are kindly asked to contact the
organisers as early as possible and to communicate a title and a
short abstract of their intended submission. Note that the abstract
and/or the title may change slightly in the final version.
* Workshops: The proposal should not be longer than three pages and
should describe the topic of the workshop (that should relate broadly
to distributed systems and/or telecommunications), the names and
contact information of the organisers, the expected number of
participants, and any other factors relevant to its selection.
* Special sessions: The above guidelines are also applicable to
* Product demonstrations: The proposal should not be longer
than three pages and should describe the main features of the product
and other factors relevant to its selection.
We strongly encourage electronic submission in Adobe's Portable
Document Format using the our electronic submission centre. If you
can only submit a hardcopy, please mail four copies to:
The Distributed Group (SIT'02)
Dep. de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad de Sevilla
Avda. de la Reina Mercedes, s/n
Sevilla, 41.012
Important dates
Please, note that in keeping with the convention established in the
last few years, the deadlines are firm and no extensions will be
Start of submissions:
December 1, 2001
Deadline for workshop and special session proposals:
January 11, 2002
Decision on workshop and special session proposals:
February 4, 2002
Deadline for paper submissions and product demonstration proposals:
May 3, 2002
Decision on papers and product demonstrations:
June 15, 2002
Final camera-ready versions:
July 15, 2002
Please, take a look at http://tdg.lsi.us.es/~sit02/doc/venue.html to
learn about the venue and a look at
http://tdg.lsi.us.es/~sit02/doc/sevilla.html to enjoy a virtual visit
to Sevilla with panoramic, interactive pictures.
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