Mitteleuropa Foundation
BISCA-2002 Bolzano International Schools In Cognitive Analysis
Bolzano, Italy ---- September 2-6, 2002
Most of the world that we know is designed. Furthermore, almost everyone in
the Western world has become a designer at their personal computer (e.g.,
publishing their own web-pages). Design has become everyone's domain, and
the 21st century communicates via design. This has made it extremely
important to understand the relation between design and cognition. This
school brings together four speakers who are internationally known for their
work in the areas of design and cognition.
John Gero (Sydney)
Michael Leyton (Rutgers)
Michael J. Pratt (Cranfield)
Gerard Schmitt (Zurich)
Concluding lecture by Daniel Liebeskind on Friday 6, at 7 pm
Further information are available from
Notes for applicants:
1. People wishing to participate should send an e-mail message to (after March 17), submitting their
curriculum vitae and a short statement of interest (about 1 page). Please
include also fax number, if available.
2. Notification of acceptance and detailed program will be provided in due
General information:
1. Attendance to the school will be limited to about 30 participants.
2. The registration fee for the entire school is 100,000 Euros. Payment will
be required upon notification of acceptance.
3. Information on hotels can be found on the following web site
4. Each speaker will give 5 lectures, with ample time for discussion.
5. All lectures will be in English.
6. The lectures will be given in the conference room of Mitteleuropa
Foundation (Portici street, 30), starting September 2, at 9 a.m.
7. A small number of boursaries are available to qualified students to meet
the costs of participation (tuition fee).
Dr Roberto Poli, PhD
Editor-in-chief of Axiomathes, Kluwer:
preferred e-mail:
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