Two postdoctoral fellowships are available at Harvard University in
probabilistic knowledge representation and reasoning. Research will
be carried out with guidance from Professor Avrom J. Pfeffer in the
Division of Engineering and Applied Science. Candidates must have a
Ph.D. in computer science or a related field, and have experience with
Bayesian networks. Expertise in first-order probabilistic reasoning
or dynamic Bayesian networks is desired. The positions are for one
or two years, beginning on or about September 1st, 2002.
Harvard University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer. Applications from qualified female and minority group
members are especially welcome.
Please apply with a c.v., including a statement of research interests
and names of references, to:
Peter Arvidson
Harvard University
33 Oxford Street, Room 247
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (617) 495-3963
Fax: (617) 496-1066
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