This is to let you know of some major updates to the UAI-2002
webpage at
1. Registration is now officially open:
-Early registration deadline is May 13
-One can register for the tutorials day only (if one cannot
stay for the whole conference)
2. Tutorials:
-Craig Boutilier, University of Toronto:
Markov Decision Processes
-Michael Collins, AT&T:
Statistical Methods in Natural Language Processing
-Bart Selman & Carla Gomes, Cornell University:
Randomization and Rational Decision Making in Optimization
-Mike Wellman, University of Michigan:
Uncertainty and Computational Markets
3. Invited Speakers:
-Eric Grimson, MIT
-Rob Schapire, AT&T
-Sebastian Thrun, CMU
-Peter P. Wakker, Maastricht University
-Persi Diaconis, Stanford University (Banquet speaker)
Further details on registration (and accommodations) can be found
UAI-2002 Conference Chairs.
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