Abstracts are due May 8, 2002 from prospective speakers for
the Second Workshop on Operational Text Classification
Systems (OTC 2002). The workshop is co-located with ACM
SIGIR 2002, and will take place August 15, 2002 in Tampere,
Finland. Real world applications of text classification of
all types and sizes are of interest.
Submissions (maximum 750 words) should be sent in ASCII or
PDF form to otc2002submit@iei.pi.cnr.it. Further details
are available from
or otc2002info@iei.pi.cnr.it.
Please feel free to forward this message to individuals who
might be interested, and to let me know of appropriate
mailing lists to which I might send this message.
David D. Lewis [Publicity Chair, OTC '02]
Consulting on text categorization/filtering/search/mining/...
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