Philosophy and Probability
International Summer School
University of Konstanz, Germany
September 15-22, 2002
No area of analytical philosophy has remained impervious to probability
theory over the last decade. Metaphysicians share an interest in
probabilistic causation with statisticians and computer scientists,
philosophers of science construct Bayesian analyses of many of the
standard puzzles in their field, political philosophers are being
informed by work in rational choice theory, and even philosophers of
religion are constructing probabilistic analyses of the argument of evil.
And yet, the curricula of many philosophy departments have remained
resistant to change and have not incorporated this new development at
their own peril. We have invited Branden Fitelson (Stanford University,
USA), Alan H=E1jek (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA),
Christian List (Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK) and Jon
Williamson (King's College London, UK), who are leading experts in the
area of philosophy of probability, to come to teach during the summer
school in the University of Konstanz. Topics covered include the role of
probability in confirmation theory and epistemology, alternative
interpretations of probability and the meaning of conditional
probability, the role of probability and causation in artificial
intelligence, and probability in social choice and democratic theory. We
will start with an introductory lecture on probability for those who are
in need of a refresher course. The intended audience of the summer school
is advanced undergraduate students and graduate students of philosophy
and related fields.
We will also reserve some time slots for students who would like to make
a presentation of their own research. Please indicate if you wish to do
so in your application letter.
To apply to the summer school, please send us an e-mail explaining why
you are interested in participating and attach a short CV. The
application deadline is June 7. We will let you know whether you have
been accepted before June 14. The tuition fee is Euro 100 for early
registration (before July 15) and Euro 125 for on-site registration. The
costs for accommodation and travel are additional. We will facilitate
accommodation arrangements. For details concerning the application
procedure, visit the summer school's URL:
The summer school is being hosted by the research group
Philosophy, Probability and Modeling" in the University of
Konstanz and organized by Luc Bovens (University of Colorado at Boulder),
Stephan Hartmann (University of Konstanz) and Nils Hesse (University of
The summer school is supported by the Center for Junior Research Fellows
of the University of Konstanz and by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research and the Programme for Investment in the Future (ZIP) of the
German Government.
Luc Bovens
Associate Professor
University of Colorado
Dept. of Philosophy
CB 232
Boulder, CO 80309
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