MDM/KDD2002 - The Third International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining
in conjunction with
8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data
Mining July 23 - 26, 2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Paper submission due 24th May 2002.
Workshop Website:
Workshop contact:
Workshop Date: 23 July, 2002
Workshop chairs:
Simeon J. Simoff ( and Chabane Djeraba
Local chair:
Osmar R. Zaiane (
Paper submission due 24th May 2002.
The major topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
- - theoretical frameworks for multimedia data mining;
- - multimedia data mining methods and algorithms;
- - multimedia data sampling and preprocessing;
- - data sonification and visualization;
- - representation and reuse of discovered knowledge;
- - multimedia data descriptions languages and formats;
- - evaluation of 'interestingness', 'novelty' and validity of results;
- - topic and event detection in multimedia data (including video);
- - extracting semantics from multimedia databases;
- - integrated data mining of text and image data;
- - integrated mining of medical multimedia data;
- - mining scientific multimedia data
- - integrated data mining in multimedia information systems
- - discovering patterns in musical and architectural data
- - knowledge discovery in facial data
- - man-machine interfaces for multimedia data mining;
- - complexity, efficiency and scalability of multimedia data mining
- - data mining virtual communities and virtual worlds;
- - data mining in collaborative virtual environments and virtual reality
- - visual and audio support for multimedia mining;
- - visual data mining of multimedia data;
- - multiagent environments for concurrent mining of heterogeneous data;
- - real-time multimedia data mining systems;
- - mining digital video, audio and other multimedia components.
We also encourage submissions, which present early stages of research work,
software applications and solutions.
Extended and revised versions of selected submissions, together with
selections from the previous workshops, will be published in a book in the
Massive Computing series published by Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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