Call for papers
VDM@ECML/PKDD2002 - Workshop on Visual Data Mining
in conjunction with ECML/PKDD2002 - The 13th European Conference on Machine
Learning (ECML'02) and The 6th European Conference on Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD-02), 19-23 August, 2002,
Helsinki, Finland
Paper submission due 24th May 2002.
Workshop Website:
Workshop contact:
Workshop Date: 19 August 2002
Simeon J. Simoff (, Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture
and Michael H. Böhlen (
The scope of the workshop covers the intersection of broad range of
disciplines. The major topics of the workshop include but are not limited
- - methods for visual data analysis
- - multimedia support for visual data mining
- - data and knowledge representation and metaphors visualization for visual
data mining
- - metrics for evaluation of visual data mining methods
- - virtual environments for data visualisation and exploration
- - visual reasoning and cognitive aspects of visual data mining
- - results validation
- - complexity, efficiency and scalability in visual data mining
- - fractals visualisation - fractal dimensions, self-similarity and
symmetry - in visual data mining
- - immersive visual data mining in virtual reality systems
- - collaborative visual data exploration and model building
- - interactivity and iterativity in visual data mining
- - frameworks for visual data mining and its integration with other data
mining approaches
We also encourage submissions, which present early stages of research work,
software applications and demonstrations.
Extended and revised versions of selected submissions, together with
selections from the previous workshop, will be published in a book in the
Massive Computing series published by Kluwer Academic Publishers
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