From: Giuseppina Gini (gini@elet.polimi.it)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 09:57:48 PDT

  • Next message: Ken Satoh: "[UAI] Discovery Science 2002: Deadline Extended (May 26)"

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    ## PRE- and POST-DOCTORAL POSITIONS are available to work at ###
    ## Politecnico di Milano, Dept of Electronics and Information ###

    Applications are invited from researchers with an interest in joining
    the four-year (2000-2003) EU network project IMAGETOX aimed at the
    development of predictive models and theories about chemicals

    The network consists of laboratories working in computational
    chemistry, toxicology, and computer science. The network project aims
    at improving the power of models for toxicity
    prediction. It will take advantage of the recent advances in computer
    science (such as hybrid systems, multiple classifiers, data mining,
    and machine learning) to develop theories and systems. These will be
    applied to the development and validation of
    real world applications. Models will be developed also for modelling
    chemicals and for extracting subgroups relevant for (eco)toxicology
    and for environmental fate prediction.

    The starting date of the appointment will be around September 2002;
    the fellowship can last from 6 to 12 months. Grant will be from 2000
    to 3000 Euro/month, depending on pre- or post-doc qualification.

    Expected candidates should have a background in one of the indicated
    areas. Interested candidates should send an application (including
    CV, list of publications, present employment data, the preferred
    length of fellowship) to

    More information about the network are posted at


    Conditions for EU grants

    The researcher must be 35 years old or less at the time of this appointment
    (allowances are possible for special cases).
    The researcher must be a holder of a doctoral degree or of a degree in an
    appropriate subject in Science or Engineering.
    The appointment will be for a fixed-term.
    The applicant must be a national of a Member State of the European
    Community or of an Associated State or have resided in the European
    Community for at least five years prior to this appointment.
    The applicant must choose a University or Center located in a state
    different from her/his
    national state and she/he must not have carried out activities in that
    state for more than 12 of the 24 months prior to the appointment.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon May 13 2002 - 09:59:48 PDT