The 2002 International Multiconference in Computer Science
(14 Joint Int'l Conferences/Workshops)
Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
June 24-27, 2002
You are invited to attend The 2002 International Multiconference in
Computer Science (14 Joint Conferences/Workshops) to be held in
Las Vegas, June 24-27, 2002. (Conference registration form is appended.)
The 14 Joint Conferences are:
1. The 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'02)
2. The 2002 International Conference on Imaging Science,
Systems, and Technology (CISST'02)
3. The 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
4. The 2002 International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'02)
5. The 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering
Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS'02)
6. The 2002 International Conference on Communications in
Computing (CIC'02)
7. The 2002 International Conference on Engineering of
Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'02)
8. The 2002 International Conference on VLSI (VLSI'02)
9. The 2002 International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Engineering (IKE'02)
10. International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific
Reasoning and Applications (CMSRA'02)
11. The 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA'02)
12. The 2002 International Conference on Wireless Networks
13. The 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering
Research and Practice (SERP'02)
14. The 2002 International Conference on Security and Management
(a link to each conference's URL is available
from http://www.ashland.edu/~iajwa/conferences)
- - -----------------------------------------------
June 24-27, 2002
Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, 3770 Las Vegas Blvd.,
South, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Please complete this form (TYPE), and return with your payment to the
address given at the end of this form (OR you can return the completed
form by email to hra@cs.uga.edu).
Conference Attending (Select One - but can attend any of the
conferences' sessions):
_______ PDPTA'02
_______ CISST'02
_______ IC-AI'02
_______ IC'02
_______ METMBS'02
_______ CIC'02
_______ ERSA'02
_______ VLSI'02
_______ IKE'02
_______ CMSRA'02
_______ ICMLA'02
_______ ICWN'02
_______ SERP'02
_______ SAM'02
First Name:_________________ Last/Family Name:______________________
Title (Dr/Mr/Ms/Prof.):___________ Position:__________________________
Company/Univ.:_____________________________________ Dept.:____________
City:___________________ State:________________ Zip/Postal Code:______
Country:___________________________ Phone:____________________________
Fax:_______________________________ E-mail:___________________________
Registration Fee:
Non-student (USDollar 540): __________
Full Time Student (USDollar 450): __________
Note: Registration Fee will include the followings:
Conference proceedings (one/two books); Conference Program
Booklet; a CD containing speakers' research papers (planned);
one formal Conference Dinner; four light breakfasts (coffee/tea
+ muffin + ...); refreshment breaks throughout the days of the
conferences (12 of them); access to all planned sessions of all
conferences (PDPTA'02 + CISST'02 + IC-AI'02 + IC'02 + METMBS'02 +
CIC'02 + ERSA'02 + VLSI'02 + IKE'02 + CMSRA'02 + ICMLA'02 +
ICWN'02 + SERP'02 + SAM'02); miscellaneous conference materials.
Method of Payment (in order of preference):
Check or Money Order:
Make check (or money order) payable to "CSREA" (in US
Dollars ONLY).
Or Credit Cards (TYPE):
Circle one: Visa MasterCard American Express
Amount (in US Dollars): ______________________________
Credit Card Number: ________________________________
Card Expiration Date (Month/Year): ____________________
Name of Person Printed on Card:________________________
Address to where the forms and payments should be mailed:
Send the signed and completed registration form together with the
registration fee to:
c/o: Prof. Hamid R. Arabnia
1060 Long Creek Drive
Bogart, Georgia 30622
OR email to hra@cs.uga.edu
Hotel Room Reservation: (If a room is needed): Group Code: XCSREA5
The room rate is USDollar 79 (+ 9% tax) per night for Single or Double
occupancy (no extra charge for double occupancy); this rate is only
available June 23 through June 27, 2002 (ie, checking out on June 28,
2002). For more than two persons staying in the same room, there is an
Additional Person Charge of USDollar 25 per person, per night (maximum of
four persons to a room.)
The main organizer of the conferences has reserved a block of about
2500 room nights for the duration of the conferences.
These rooms are available only to our conference participants
(on First-Come First-Serve basis.)
You can book your room directly, by calling Monte Carlo Resort at
1-800-311-8999 (from USA) or 1-702-730-7000 or 1-702-730-7777
(from outside USA). You should mention the code XCSREA5.
Or you can contact Ms. Pamela Lozano (at 702 730-7348
plozano@mrgmail.com) asking her for a room (mention the group
ID number: XCSREA5).
(XCSREA5 is the keyword the hotel uses to handle the reserved
block of rooms.) The room rate for those attendees who plan to
arrive a few days early and/or stay a few days after the conferences
in Las Vegas is USDollar 139 (+9% tax) per night for June 21, June 22,
and June 28. Rates for other dates can be obtained from the hotel.
The hotel will honor the room reservations until the block of rooms
is filled (First-come First-serve).
This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon Jun 03 2002 - 09:22:06 PDT