The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Institute (University of Haifa)
is pleased to invite you to attend the
Second Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of
Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms
June 17-20, 2002
Monday, June 17, 2002
Session I - Education building 5th floor
9:30 Dolores Chen and Sivan Toledo
"Graph Algorithms in Preconditioning"
10:00 Ilan Newman
"Three Results on Graphs and Property Testing"
11:00 Break
11:30 Zvi Lotker, Dana Ron and Guy Even
"Conflict-Free Colorings of Unit Disks and Squares"
12:00 Ephraim Korach and Michal Stern
"Optimal Construction of Trees with Constraints"
12:30 Lunch
Session II - Education building 5th floor
14:00 Ross McConnell
"Recognition of Circular-Arc and Interval Probe Graphs"
15:00 Break
15:15 Martin Golumbic and Marina Lipshteyn
"On Chordal Probe Graphs"
15:45 Martin Golumbic and Assaf Siani
"Coloring Algorithms for Tolerance Graphs"
16:15 Break
16:30 Michael Segal
"Mobile Facility Location"
17:00 Gert Sabidussi
"Routings in Vertex-Transitive Graphs"
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Session III - Education building 5th floor
9:30 Michal Penn and Roy Frank
"Revenue-Maximizing Allocations in Constrained Multi-Object Auctions"
10:00 Alan Hartman
"Software and Hardware Testing Using Combinatorial Covering Suites"
11:00 Break
11:30 Efraim Korach and Ronny Ohayon
"Predicted Cranckback in High-Speed Networks"
12:00 Avi Efrat
"Graph Applications in VLSI Static Timing Analysis"
12:30 Lunch
Session IV - Education building 5th floor
15:00 D.Bernard, E.Korach and O. Yahalom
"Anticoloring of General and Special Graphs"
15:30 Eugen Mandrescu and Vadim Levit
"On Unimodality of Independence Polynomials of some Well-Covered Trees"
16:00 Break
16:15 Elad Verbin
"Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversals Revisited"
16:45 Sagi Snir
"Restricting SBH Ambiguity via Restriction Enzymes"
17:15 Break
17:30 Micha Sharir
"Incidences and Related Problems"
20:30 B.B.Q Dinner
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
Session V - Education building 5th floor
9:30 Yefim Dinitz and Carmel Domshlak
"Multi-Entity Coordination Off-Line: Structure and Complexity"
10:00 Moshe Lewenstein
"Asymmetric Maximum Traveling Salesperson"
11:00 Break
11:30 A. N. Trahtman
"The Existence of Synchronizing Word and Cerny Conjecture for Some Finite Automata"
12:00 Michael Elkin
"Computing Almost Shortest Paths"
12:30 Lunch
Session VI - Hecht Museum Auditorium
14:15 The Rothschild Lecture:
Robert E. Tarjan - (Princeton University) Turing Prize Winner
"Problems in Data Structures & Algorithms"
15:30 Break
15:45 Yossi Matis and Ely Porat
"Efficient Pebbling of Unidirectional List"
16:15 Alon Itai (with Y. Dinitz and M. Rodeh)
"How to Compress Trees"
Session VII - Hecht Museum Auditorium
19:00 The Minerva Lecture:
Bert Sakmann - (Max Planck Institute) Nobel Prize Laureate
"The Eloquent Cerebral Cortex"
Thursday, July 20, þ2002
Session VIII - Education building 5th floor
9:30 Joseph Zaks
"Unit-Distance Graphs and Beckman-Quarles Theorem for d-spaces"
10:00 Gyorgy Turan
"Graph Width and Combinatorial Dimensions of Definable Sets"
11:00 Break
11:30 Ross McConnell
" Autonomous Set Families"
12:30 Closing Picnic in the Carmel Forest
Workshop committee: Martin Golumbic, Irith Hartman, Haim Kaplan, Seffi Naor,
Uri Peled, David Peleg, Steve Skiena, Joseph Zaks
Registration: For further information and registration
see website:
or email: or
Overnight hotel subsidies will be available for advanced graduate students
upon the recommendation of their advisor.
Venue: The Workshop will take place at the Caesarea Rothschild Institute
at the Education building, 5th Floor,at the University of Haifa.
For our forthcoming events visit
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