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The Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
July 23-26, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
welcomes participants during the four days between 23rd and 26th of July
2002. The Conference will take place in Edmonton few days apart from other
conferences such as AAAI, ISMB and other events
(see http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/Edmonton2002/).
The Early Registration Fee deadline is June 19, 2002
Registration on-line at http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2002/
This year the SIGKDD conference will have three parallel tracks: two tracks
of research papers in addition to the industrial track, a total of 44 papers
and 44 posters.
In addition, 6 workshops will be organized on July 23:
- -2nd BIOKDD: Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics
- -4th WEBKDD: Web Mining for Usage Patterns and User Profiles
- -3rd MDM/KDD: Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining
- -MRDM Multi-Relational Data Mining
- -2nd Workshop on Temporal Data Mining
- -Fractals and Self-similarity in Data Mining: Issues and Approach
Six tutorials will be given during the conference:
- -Multivariate Density Estimation and Visual Clustering
David W. Scott
- -Text Mining for Bioinformatics
Hinrich Schuetze, Russ Altman
- -Link Analysis : Current State of the Art
Ronen Feldman
- -Common Reasons Data Mining Projects Fail
Monte F. Hancock
- -Querying and Mining Data Streams: you only get one look
Rajeev Rastogi, Minos Garofalakis, Johannes Gehrke
- -Visual Data Mining: Background, Techniques, and Drug Discovery Applications
Georges Grinstein, Mihael Ankerst, Daniel A. Keim
Two invited Speekers
- -Daryl Pregibon
- -Geoffrey Hinton
Preliminary program and Accepted papers can be found at
Please book your hotel room and register for ACM SIGKDD Early!
Hotels fill-up quickly, especially that 8 conferences (AAAI, ISMB,
etc.) are taking place in Edmonton in the same period.
Check conference web page for accommodation.
Osmar R. Zaiane (SIGKDD 2002 Publicity Chair)
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