[UAI] Journal CFP: Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS)

From: wias@wi-consortium.org
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 10:54:10 PDT

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                               CALL FOR PAPERS

         WEB INTELLIGENCE AND AGENT SYSTEMS: An International Journal
                            Publisher: IOS Press
                               ISSN 1570-1263

                    Home Page: http://wi-consortium.org/

    WEB INTELLIGENCE AND AGENT SYSTEMS: An International Journal (WIAS) is
    an official journal of Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC), an
    international organization dedicated to promoting collaborative
    scientific research and industrial development in the era of Web and
    agent intelligence. WIAS seeks to collaborate with major societies and
    international conferences in the fields. Presently, it has established
    a tie with the International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI) and
    the International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT).

    WIAS is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes 4 issues a year, in
    both electronic and hard copies.

    WIAS aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between Web technology and
    intelligent agent technology. It is committed to deepening the
    understanding of computational, logical, cognitive, physical, and
    social foundations as well as the enabling technologies for developing
    and applying Web-based intelligence and autonomous agents systems.

    The journal features high-quality, original research papers (including
    state-of-the-art reviews), brief papers, and letters in all
    theoretical and technology areas that make up the field of WIAS.
    The papers should clearly focus on some of the following areas of

        o Agent infrastructure and architecture
        o Agent self-organization, learning, and adaptation
        o Agent-based knowledge discovery
        o Agent-mediated markets
        o Autonomy-oriented or autonomic computing
        o Cooperative problem solving
        o Distributed intelligence and emergent behavior
        o Emerging agent-based, Web-based systems and computing paradigms
        o Evaluation and standards for agent-based Web intelligence technologies
        o Information ecology
        o Knowledge management, networks, and communities
        o Mediators and middleware
        o Ontology engineering
        o Personalization techniques
        o Security issues in Web and agent systems
        o Semantic Web, Web services and interoperability
        o Ubiquitous computing and social intelligence
        o Web information filtering and retrieval
        o Web mining and farming

    Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers, which have
    not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration
    for another journal or conference.

    Each manuscript prepared for WIAS must fall into one of the following

    1. Original research papers: Articles will be full-length papers
       (approximately 20 journal pages) reporting well-defined theoretical
       results and empirical studies that have potential impacts on the
       understanding of computational, logical, cognitive, physical, and
       social foundations, as well as the enabling technologies for
       developing and applying Web-based intelligence and autonomous agents
       systems. It is assumed that the ideas presented are important, have
       been well analyzed or empirically validated, and are of value to Web
       and agent intelligence research communities.

    2. State-of-the-art reviews: Articles can also be state-of-the-art
       reviews, which will be either perspective tutorial articles in rapidly
       evolving fields or comprehensive scholarly reviews of significant

    3. Brief papers: A brief paper presents results that are important and
       original and are presented in concise form.

    4. Letters: A letter is aimed at conveying only a few principal ideas
       or commenting on certain work previously published in the WIAS

    The manuscripts submitted to WIAS are subjected to a rigorous review
    process handled by the Editors-in-Chief and designated Editorial Board

    All manuscripts for consideration must be submitted electronically
    through an Electronic Submission Form, available from the Web
    Intelligence Consortium (WIC) homepage at http://wi-consortium.org/
    (under "WIAS journal").

    In order to facilitate the review process, authors are required to
    mark the topics (within the Electronic Submission Form) to which their
    submissions are most relevant.

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