Carlos Duque

Web Dev Concepts

About Web Servers

Index as it relates to websites and servers is that when it is in the root directory it is called the homepage of the web server/application. When a GET request comes in for / it returns the index.html file. Not all servers return index.html file, some depending on the server return index.html, index.js or index.php.

You can see quite a bit of information in the Web Dev/Inspector Network tab, it says there are 3 requests. Clicking on index.html in the headers it shows the request method, the status code, response headers, request headers. What is different about the file's details is the request URL is from my computer is a lot longer than from the web server. My request URL has some percentage signs in its URL, unlike the web server URL which has none.

The favicon.ico file has a status of 200 because the OSU server provides the file automatically, which is why it had a code status of 200 as it was a successful request. Status Code References says that when we get an error of 400-499 it's because the server program sends back that the request was not valid and the server program could not fulfill it. For main.css and main.js we get error code status 404, the requested resource is not found on the server, so it failed to get the resource, unlike the successful favicon.ico file.

The URL to my web file is . The scheme is the first part the HTTPS and is followed by a colon, so the scheme is https://. In the URL for static files typically the path is the physical location of a file on the web server so the path to the resource is /~duquec/a1-duquec/. The subdomain is appended to the front of the domain name, so the subdomain is web.engr., with the domain being

Frontend Design

The concept of frontend design is about making an application, whether web or mobile, an engaging and enjoyable experience for the user. The user can be anyone young or old, so you have to make it an accessible experience for everyone, including those with disabilities. While thinking of the design it has to be interactive but not too complicated. Visually has to look presentable in a computer or mobile device, and has to think of how to respond when there is a delay in response time.

This means that the user gets their goals met, whatever they were trying to search/find the results were found.
This means that the user was is able to find what they searched for as quickly as possible with the least amount of steps.
Easy to navigate
Users who may have never visited the website or app can quickly or intuitively navigate the site and find what they are looking for.
Users should not encounter errors, extensive testing should take place to ensure there are no common errors and if they run into them, they are quickly fixed.
The user should find the experience delightful and frustration free, they should come back because the four previous E's worked so well, they want to come back.

The purpose of page layout tags are for splitting up content into their own blocks of content, but also for developers to categorize what they are writing into their own appropriate tag. It also helps search robots and screen readers know what they are reading and in the screen reader's case let the user know. There are very many tags like the header tag, that has the site's info such as name and publisher. There is the nav tag that lets you know that where the links are to other pages. The main tag that has most of the that page's content.

  1. External content is very different from internal content and page-to-page as it links to an outside website or websites, the anchor tag needs a URL to specify where the link is taking the user.
  2. For internal content, you link to a specific part within the same page. You add an ID attribute with a unique value to the anchor tag and you use that value on the part of the page you want to link to by using a hashtag.
  3. For page-to-page anchor requires the name of the file. If the file is in the same folder you require the name without needing ./ otherwise you need to name the directory it is in. If going down a directory you name the directory use the / and then the name of the file. While moving up a directory, you use ../ with each .. going up a directory to reach where you want, and use / to go down the desired directory to reach the file you want.

Optimizing Images

The 6 major specifications of images for the web are descriptive file name, small file size, exact dimensions, correct file format, reduced resolution, color mode. They're a great way to have your images fit inside the page and load faster and have users not wait for an image to load, as it is almost instantaneous. It is best for images to be put in the correct file format, so it can look as good as possible. The file name to be named descriptively as possible for search engine optimization, to find and use the image when a user is searching for related images, and for screen readers to help those with understand what the image is.

For photography the best formats are JPG and WebP, while the best file formats for line art are PNG, SVG, and GIF. SVG and GIF are best for animated images, SVG looks better and is for 2D interactive images, while GIF is very commonly used for short animated photo/video sequences. PNG is better for biomorphic shapes but can also do screenshots, but the photo may become pixelated. That is why it is better to use JPG or WebP for photography, as the image quality won't be reduced unless you have high compression.


Favicons can be saved in .GIF, .PNG, .ICO, and .SVG file formats for the browser and devices to read but as the module says complexity and requirements for Favicons can change. On the web use a generator to make your files for several browsers and devices but depending on the browser version or device version it may not work. The browser or device then reads the files and displays an image on the tab to identify the site it is in. A company like Microsoft will use their logo to let the user know they are on the Microsoft website by looking at the tab.