Home Page

Its Me!

Brandon Schultz


who I am
what this site is
other stuff

These are the questions I routinely ask myself while developing professional web pages.

My name is Brandon Schultz, and this is my first professional web page.

If your interests include deep, personal, self-reflection, pictures of dogs (my dog) and finding solutions for life's hard-hitting questions this is the site for you. If your interests include the hiring of programmers, well guess what? This is also the site for you as I will work for anything, please consider me.

We also have other stuff updated sometimes weekly to the right.

Now, on to the topic that is the woman in some of the pictures to the left. Who is she you might be asking and why didn't he just take selfies? In 2013 she abducted me and we've been inseparable ever since. Her name is Ciera and she takes pictures of me and I love her.

Other Stuff:


Vandalism, love it? Hate it? Participate in it? It is a topic that affects us all, but where did it come from?

Much like all roads, the origins of this concept takes us to Rome. You see, as the Roman Empire decayed and the world found itself at the onset of the dark ages, Rome was invaded/sacked multiple times by a plethora of barbarian tribes. These attacks contributed greatly to the downfall of an already dying empire and its hegemonic influence on the era. One such group's persistent and auspicious acts of maritime terrorism on both the Western and Eastern coasts of the Roman Empire would culminate in the 455 AD Sack of Rome. Who were they?

They were led across the Mediterranean Sea from Northern Africa by a man named Genseric. Having to travel across an ocean in those times would cause anyone to grow tired of water and its bs, those who crossed with Genseric were no exception to this fact. As Genseric and his tribes of barbarians made landfall and approached Rome, they destroyed all aqueducts and water related devices of the time. As they reached Rome this senseless hatred of H2O would continue for some 14 days as the city was destroyed and looted.

What does any of this have to do with vandalism? Well, the group of barbarians responsible for this senseless destruction were called the Vandals. BOOM.

Click here to watch a video that goes into more detail on the Fall of Rome.


Mozilla Firefox

What a sweet browser, if you're not using it you should go download it right now.
If you already have Firefox, here's a nifty collection of extensions I found scrolling through hacker news this morning.


This is where I would post something from the 16th. This post just demonstrates the blog-like feature of the project plans webpage.