Key Messages
- Our intent is to have a consistent Product Delivery Process across D&M.
- PDP is built on best processes used in Xerox, and is being developed by
Xerox people who are experts in the processes.
- PDP is flexible to accomodate a range of product programs.
- We will ask your feedback and new ideas to keep the process evergreen.
- PDP will allow us to capture and learn from our program experience.
- PDP provides a disciplined approach to manage product development and
- Product Delivery Process is being implemented on targeted new product
programs and major product family variants.
- PDP facilitates senior management reviews at major program decision
- PDP established measurable and controllable method of expending resources
on product programs.
- The goal of PDP is to enable and assist -- not impede you -- in carrying
out your roles and responsibilities as a PDT member in developing and
delivering leadership products.