Colton Website logo; red letters C and W within a light blue circle.Woodruff

Web Development Concepts

Web Servers

In the realm of web development, the term index refers to the central hub of a web application. When the filename index.html is located in the root directory, it is referred to as the designated homepage. When a user navigates to a URL that omits a resource path (path to a specific page), most servers will default to returning the index.html file. There are, however, times when this is not the case. Some servers may look for index.js or index.php as the homepage, while other servers may allow an alternative, such as default.html for Microsoft's .NET platform.

Modern web browsers include an Inspector tool that allows you a user to view details about what is being shown in the browser window. Within the Inspector, there is a Network tab where information related to HTTP communication is shown. This tab can be used to explore exactly what information is being requested and received between the client and the web server. The primary information found here is the request URL, the method the information was requested, the associated IP address, the status code, and dates of when the file was last updated and when it expires. When viewing a local file versus a file on a web server, the primary differences are that the request URL and the remote IP address will reflect the localhost.

Along with the index.html file, the Inspector shows information for all other associated or referenced files. For this page, the favicon.ico file returned a successful status code of 200, because it is provided by the Oregon State University (OSU) server automatically. Conversely, the files main.css and main.js have a status code of 404, meaning they were not found. This is because these two files do not exist in the root folder with index.html.

The URL for all web pages is made up of several parts. A few common parts are demonstrated by this web page's address, The first portion, https://, is the scheme or protocol. Next, web. and engr. are the subdomains. is the server name (also commonly called the domain name). The last part, /~woodruco/a1-woodruco/, is the path to the resource.

Frontend Design

When talking about a website or app, frontend design relates to everything that the user will see and experience. This includes how a user interacts with and navigates the website, as well as the visual presentation such as color scheme, font selection, and media. The visual design is not always created by the developer, rather, the developer is responsible for ensuring the site or app incorporates an organization's brand requirements. Successful frontend design results in a page that delivers what a user expects quickly and is pleasant to look at. These aspects are summarized in what's known as the Five "E"s of usability, shown below.

The website must deliver what the user is expecting to see.
The user should be able to find what they're looking for quickly, without the need to navigate too deep in navigation.
Easy to Navigate
Page navigation and links should be obvious and accessible to the user. Locating information should not take much effort.
The user should not experience any unintended issues. Common errors that may arise should be tested and fixed prior to being made public.
The look, feel, and content should draw the user to return. The website should be appealing to everyone who interacts with it.

The underlying structure of a webpage's visible content is dictated by block-level elements called page layout tags. These tags create space between different elements with a newline, and also dictate the location and formatting of the content they wrap. Pages begin with a header element That represents the banner shown at the top. This commonly displays the website's name. The next tag is the nav element. This tag is used to create a central point for navigation links to other pages. The main element is the primary block where content is presented to the user. Within the main element, section elements are used to organize content thematically. This organized content is presented using article elements. These tags often include an ID selector that can be used as an anchor for hyperlinks to point to. Several tags provide a location for accompanying information to the core content being displayed. An aside element floats along one side of the screen and typically displays background information or navigation bars. The Figure element is related to the aside element, but is meant to wrap media and a figcaption element, which captions the media. If an extended quote is being presented, it can be distinguished by being wrapped in a blockquote element. Similar to the header element, a footer element is displayed at the bottom of a page and commonly is used for legal or contact information. Finally, the div element is used to wrap dynamic content if no other tag is suitable.

Anchors are a tool used for allowing the user to navigate to specific information both within the current webpage and externally.

  1. An anchor element can link wrapped text to external content by setting the href equal to a valid URL address.
  2. When an article element includes an ID, an anchor element can link wrapped content directly to it by using that ID as the href target.
  3. If the targeted content is another webpage, it can be linked by setting the anchor element href to either the absolute path on the web server, or preferably using the relative path.

Optimizing Images

When optimizing images to be used in a webpage, there are six major specifications that should be implemented by a developer. Using a descriptive file name allows search engine bots to correctly categorize the photo, so it can be displayed for a relevant web search. If the image size is large, reducing to a small file size will improve the webpage's loading speed. This is done by compressing the file, which can be done in two ways. Lossy compression removes some image data and results in a drop in quality, while lossless compression will retain the quality. Reducing the physical size of an image (in pixels) to the exact dimensions needed for the device screen size will also improve loading speeds because it omits unneeded data. Depending on the content of the image, and its use, the image should be saved in the correct file format. Each file type has pros and cons, and using the incorrect type can drastically decrease the quality of what's being displayed. High quality images should be edited to a reduced resolution that matches the expected device screen resolution. Any quality beyond what can be displayed to a user is superfluous. Multiple copies of the image at different resolutions can be provided to match the device viewing the content. The final specification is the color mode. Depending on the range of colors, or if opacity is needed, an applicable color mode should be used. The options include names, hexadecimal/hexa, RGB/RGBa, and HSL/HSLa. Some options may be too limited in hue or saturation, so a mode with greater range, such as RGB, is commonly selected.

The correct image file type is dependent on the content of the image. For photographs, JPG and WebP are typically used, while PNG, SVG, and GIF are most often used for line art. JPG and WebP files allow for images to include a large amount of colors and high quality, which are retained well when compressed to small file sizes. SVG files are mathematically derived, allowing the size to be scaled up or down without any loss in quality, so they excel when used for text or simpler graphics. Both PNG and GIF allow transparency for non-rectangular graphics and use indexed color modes for very small file sizes.


Favicons are simple graphics (commonly a logo) that allow a user to quickly identify a website. Originally, favicons were displayed in the browser tab next to the page title. They are now used in many places, such as in search results, browser favorites, and even used as an app icon if a website shortcut is saved to a smartphone home screen.

Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are an important tool in designing the way that a webpage is displayed. While the content is controlled by HTML, CSS is responsible for the fonts, colors, spacing, sizing, layout, and much more. One primary reason for wanting to control these aspects is to make an app or website appealing to users, so they enjoy the content they're viewing and interacting with and are more willing to return. Another reason is to maintain a uniform look and feel if developing a product for a company or organization.

Implementation of style can be handled several ways. The most robust and preferred method is through external .CSS files. CSS allows for a large amount of control to adjust the look of every element on the screen. If the required changes are minimal, such as a simple color change or resizing, a developer may opt for embedding the style within the HTML or JavaScript file. In HTML, content may be embedded by wrapping with <style></style> tags, or inline within an element. For JavaScript files, style can be added through template literals in a JavaScript function, or with the Document Object Model (DOM). These methods may be preferred for small projects, or in instances where an app is not meant to be visually appealing to a consumer.