Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, 3rd Ed

Timothy A. Budd

Chapter 21

Software Frameworks


  1. Roadmap
  2. The Tension between Reuse and Specialization
  3. Reuse of Code, Reuse of Concept
  4. A Simple Example, a GUI System
  5. Deferred Methods, Two Views of the Same Thing
  6. Reuse of High Level Abstractions
  7. An Example of a Low Level Abstraction, Sortin gEmployee Records
    1. Types of Reuse
    2. A Sorting Framework
    3. Specializing the Sorting Framework
  8. An Upsize Down Library
  9. Not Just One Class
  10. Flexibility and Rigidity
  11. An Example Framework, the Java Applet API
  12. Simulation Framework from Chapter 7
  13. A Generalized Event Driven Simulation Framework
    1. The Simulation Class
  14. Chapter Summary

Other Material

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Outline


Software frameworks are one of the primary means for large scale software reuse, and rapid application development.

In this chapter we will examine the technologies that make software frameworks possible.

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 01

The Tension between Reuse and Specialization

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 02

Reuse of Code, Reuse of Concept

The solution comes from the two ways we have been using inheritance from the beginning of the book.
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 03

A Simple Example, a GUI System

A simple example might be a framework for user interfaces: The foundation method are applicable to any type of window. The deferred specialization methods are appropriate only to one type of application.
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 04

Deferred Methods, Two Views of the Same Thing

By working with deferred methods, the application class views the application in one way, and the child class in another.

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 05

(picture got cut off, sorry).

Reuse of High Level Abstractions

Software frameworks provide a different type of reuse:
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 06

An Example of a Low Level Abstraction, Sorting Employee Records

Suppose we want to sort employee records. We could write the following.
class Employee {
	string name;
	int salary;
	int startingYear;	

void sort (Employee * data[ ], int n) {
	for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
		int j = i-1;
		while (j >= 0 && 
		   v[j+1]->startingYear < v[j]->startingYear) {
			// swap elements
			Employee * temp = v[j];
			v[j] = v[j+1];
			v[j+1] = temp;
			j = j - 1;

But what happens if we want to change it?
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 07

Types of Reuse

We can reuse the idea of a merge sort, but cannot reuse the binary without modifications to the original source code. To create an object-oriented software framework, we must first ask ourselves what are the likely sources of change?
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 08

A Sorting Framework

class InsertionSorter {
	void sort () {
		int n = size();
		for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			int j = i - 1;
			while (j >= 0 && lessThan(j+1, j)) {
				swap(j, j+1);
				j = j - 1;

	virtual int size() = 0; // abstract methods
	virtual boolean lessThan(int i, int j) = 0;
	virtual void swap(int i, int j) = 0;
The part that is common in made into a foundation method, the part that changes are made into deferred methods.
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 09

Specializing the Sorting Framework

To apply the framework to a new problem, we subclass and override the deferred methods:
class EmployeeSorter : public InsertionSorter {
	EmployeeSorter (Employee * d[], int n) 
		{ data = d; sze = n; }
	Employee * data[];
	int sze = n;

	virtual int size () { return sze; }

	virtual bool lessThan (int i, int j) 
		{ return data[i]->startingYear < data[j]->startingYear; }

	virtual void swap (int i, int j) {
		Employee * temp = v[i];
		v[i] = v[j];
		v[j] = temp;
We can now reuse the high level algorithm without making any change to the original source code!
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 10

An Upside Down Library

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 11

Not Just One Class

I don't want to give the impression that a framework is always just one class.

Often, a framework is a collection of many classes. For example, a typical GUI framework might have

All can be specialized by the combination of foundation methods for overall structure, and deferred methods for specialization.
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 12

Flexibility and Rigidity

A framework can be tremendously helpful in allowing a programmer to rapidly create new application, but only when the application fits into the general structure envisioned by the creator of the framework.

If an application falls outside that framework, then it can be very difficult to overcome the framework.

For example, if the designer of the framework has not encapsulated the right sources of variation in a method, or has forgotten to declare a method as virtual, then it can be very difficult to work with.

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 13

An Example Framework, The Java Applet API

The Java Applet API is one simple example of a software framework.

init()Invoked whe the applet is initialized
start()Invoked th start the application
paint(Graphics)Invoked to repaint the window
stop()Invoked when the applet is halted
destroyInvoked when the applet is terminated

Lots of other classes for constructing buttons and menus, and so on.

Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 14

Simulation Framework from Chapter 7

Here is a framework like we might use in Chapter 7 (the billiards game).
GraphicalObject = object
		(* data fields *)
	link : GraphicalObject;
	region : Rect;

		(* initialization function *)
	procedure setRegion (left, top,  right, bottom : integer);

		(* operations that graphical objects perform *)
	procedure draw;
	procedure update;
	function intersect (anObj : GraphicalObject) :  boolean;
	procedure hitBy (anObj : GraphicalObject);
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 15

A Generalized Event Driven Simulation Framework

A generalized discrete event-driven simulation can be formed based around the class Event:
class Event {
	Event (unsigned int t) : time(t) { }

	const unsigned int time;
	virtual void processEvent () = 0;

class eventComparison {
	bool operator () (event * left, event * right) 
		{ return left->time > right->time; }
An event is an action that will take place at a specific time.
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 16

Discrete event driven simulations were the type of application that helped drive the design of the first object-oriented programming language, Simula. (Early 1960's).

The Simulation Class

class Simulation {
	Simulation () : eventQueue(), currentTime(0) { }

	void scheduleEvent (event * newEvent) { eventQueue.push (newEvent); }
	void run();
	unsigned int currentTime;
	priority_queue<vector, eventComparison> eventQueue;

void Simulation::run() {
	// execute events until event queue becomes empty
	while (! eventQueue.empty()) {
		event * nextEvent =;
		time = nextEvent->time;
		delete nextEvent;
The book continues with the development of a simulation based on this framework.
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 17

Chapter Summary

A framework is a way of organizing classes so as to solve a class of related problems
Intro OOP, Chapter 21, Slide 18