Surface modeling and representation

Complicated, organic surfaces are difficult to create and model. There exist several approaches, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The term "manifold" has become a bit over-loaded, unfortunately. For our purposes, a surface is manifold if it is locally Euclidean, i.e., you can map a piece of the surface to the plane without folding, bending or tearing.

Building a surface in the manifold-style (I've been adopting the term "constructive manifolds" for the resulting surfaces) involves building a surface in pieces, then gluing the results together. The key here is that the pieces overlap. The benefits are many:

On-going work: The two main focuses of this work currently are a) better hierarchical editing tools and b) automatically creating consistent parameterizations of MRI and CT-defined data.

Related work: Lexing Ying and Denis Zorin present a manifold construction technique based on complex transforms. Navau and Garcia present a technique based on the characteristic map and splines. Gu, He and Qin present a technique based on conformal parameterization; it's not clear if this approach is everywhere analytical.

See also: editing, fitting, and comparison.


