Research and Program Development

Research and Program Development

Our current emphasis in microfluidics is the development of devices for biological applications, and these projects are typically based at the Microproducts Breakthrough Institute (MBI). Along with colleagues from Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Veterinary Medicine, we are active contributors to the Blood Processing Focus Group at the MBI. Because we specialize in high-throughput microfluidics, our research focuses on therapeutic devices that can leverage the high surface-to-volume ratio including microchannel-based dialysis and novel approaches to the treatment of sepsis. In recent years, our research in microfluidics has been (or is) supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Collins Foundation, and the OSU University Venture Development Fund.

Our interests in the micro- and pico-hydro involve efforts in the laboratory, field, and computational modeling. We are especially interested in sustainable technologies for the developing world, and to this end, have been collaborating with colleagues at the National University of Science and Technology in Pakistan.

In addition, we are actively growing our research, teaching and program development efforts in the areas of engineering for global development. In recent years, these projects, including the micro- and pico-hydro projects, have been (or are) supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and private gifts. For a sense of our philosophy on the development of and involvement in such efforts, check out this article Engineers With Soul and the International Development Design Summit (IDDS) Lahore 2016 Blog.

For more information about our research portfolio, please refer to our publications.  Short descriptions of representative projects can be found via the links below.

A Microchannel Dialyzer
Pico Hydro - An Experimental Study of Turgo Turbines
A Distributed Runoff Model for Pakistan: A Tool for Identifying Optimal Microhydro Siting
Microfluidic Treatment of Sepsis (link to Terra article)