Getting Your Own Copy of Forms/3

We are making Forms/3 available for non-commercial use. However, we do need to know who has Forms/3, so please do not redistribute your copy; rather, please ask others to obtain their copies from this web site.

Downloading the System

The current version of Forms/3 is Version 1.1 (June 19, 1998) and the previous version was 1 (May 13, 1998): the difference is a few bug fixes. Forms/3 runs only on Sun/Solaris and Hewlett-Packard/HP-UXat this time. To get it, click on the download page.


The current documentation for the system is the Guided Tour, which is in html format.

Run Instructions

To run Forms/3:
This is a research prototype, so you may encounter bugs. If you have problems, see Appendix A-B of the Guided Tour for some possible reasons and remedies. Also, feel free to contact us with questions.


If you downloaded before June 19, 1998, the following patches are applicable:

May 15, 1998: Here is a new "Images" form that fixes missing glyphs in the "MyWorld" example. You should save it in your forms3 demo/examples/personExamples directory as file "Images".

Back to the Forms/3 home page.

Authored by Margaret Burnett, last updated Aug. 6, 2003.