From: Peter Grunwald (Peter.Grunwald@cwi.nl)
Date: Mon May 07 2001 - 10:28:14 PDT

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    Registration is now open for

    COLT 2001: The Fourteenth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory

    held jointly with

    EUROCOLT 2001: The Fifth European Conference on Computational Learning Theory

    Trippenhuis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 16 - July 19, 2001

    To register, please follow the directions at


    Please note that the EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE is indeed VERY early:
    May 25th, 2001. We advise people to register early, since,

    *If you register after that date, we cannot guarantee accommodation*

    Finding accommodation yourself is not easy, since hotels tend to fill
    up very quickly during summer in Amsterdam.

    Attached is a list of accepted papers for (EURO-) COLT 2001. We hope
    to see you all in Amsterdam this summer!

    Peter Grunwald
    Paul Vitanyi
    local co-chairs

    Invited Talk:

    Toward a computational theory of data acquisition
    by David G. Stork, Chief Scientist, Ricoh California Research Center

    Accepted Papers:

    Robust Learning -- Rich and Poor
    by John Case, Sanjay Jain, Frank Stephan and Rolf Wiehagen

    Strong Entropy Concentration, Game Theory and Algorithmic Randomness
    by Peter Grünwald

    Limitations of Learning Via Embeddings in Euclidean Half-Spaces
    by Shai Ben-David, Nadav Eiron and Hans Ulrich Simon

    Rademacher and Gaussian Complexities: Risk Bounds and Structural Results
    by Peter Bartlett and Shahar Mendelson

    Tracking a Small Set of Modes by Mixing Past Posteriors
    by Olivier Bousquet and Manfred K. Warmuth

    On Boosting with Optimal Poly-Bounded Distributions
    by Nader Bshouty and Dmitry Gavinsky

    Data-Dependent Margin-Based Generalization Bounds for Classification
    by Balazs Kegl, Tamas Linder and Gabor Lugosi

    On the Synthesis of Strategies Identifying Recursive Functions
    by Sandra Zilles

    Adaptive Strategies and Regret Minimization in arbitrarily varying
    Markov Environments
    by Shie Mannor and Nahum Shimkin

    Smooth Boosting an Learning with Malicious Noise
    by Rocco A. Servedio

    Discrete Prediction Games with Arbitrary Feedback and Loss
    by Antonio Piccolboni and Christian Schindelhauer

    Intrinsic complexity of learning geometrical concepts from positive data
    by Sanjay Jain and Efim Kimber

    Estimating the optimal Margins of Embeddings in Euclidean Half Spaces
    by Jürgen Forster, Niels Schmitt and Hans Ulrich Simon

    Potential-based Algorithms in On-line Prediction and Game Theory
    By Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi and Gabor Lugosi

    On Learning Monotone DNF under Product
    by Rocco A. Servedio

    On Using Extended Statistical Queries to avoid Membership Queries
    by Nadar h. Bshouty and Vitaly Feldman

    Efficiently approximating Weighted Sums with Exponentially Many Terms
    by Deepak Chawla, Lin Li and Stephen Scott
    A Theoretical analysis of Query Selection for collaborative Filtering
    by Wee Sun Lee and Philip M. Long

    Geometric Bounds for Generalization in Boosting
    by Shie Mannor and Ron Meir

    Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Have Superlinear VC Dimension
    by Michael Schmitt

    Learning additive models online with fast evaluating kernels
    by Mark Herbster

    How Many Queries are Needed to learn One Bit of Information?
    by Hans-Ulrich Simon

    Learning Relatively Small Classes
    by Shahar Mendelson

    Learning rates for Q-Learning
    by Eyal Even-Darand, Yishay Mansour

    A General Dimension for Exact Learning
    by Jose L. Balcazar, Jorge Castro and David Guijarro

    On Agnostic Learning with {0, *, 1}-valued and Real-valued Hypotheses
    by Philip M. Long

    Learning Regular Sets with an Incomplete Membership Oracle
    by Nader Bshouty and Avi Owshanko

    A Generalized Representer Theorem
    by Bernhard Schölkopf, Ralf Herbrich and Alex J. Smola

    Geometric methods in the analysis of Glivenko-Cantelli classes.
    by Shahar Mendelson

    A Leave-one-out Validation Bound for Kernel Methods with Applications
    in Learning
    by Tong Zhang

    Pattern recognition and density estimation under the general iid
    by Ilia Nouretdinov, Volodya Vovk, Michael Vyugin and Alex Gammerman

    Bounds on sample size for policy evaluation in Markov environments
    by Leonid Peshkin and Sayan Mukherjee

    Koby Crammer and Yoram Singer, Ultraconservative Online Algorithms for
        Multiclass Problems

    Paul Goldberg, When can Two Unsupervised Learners Achieve PAC

    Further Explanation of the Effectiveness of Voting Methods: The Game
    Between Margins and Weights
    by Vladimir Koltchinskii, Dmitry Panchenko and Fernando Lozano

    Learning Monotone DNF From a teacher that almost does not answer
    membership Queries
    by Nadar Bshouty and Nadav Eiron

    A Sequential Approximation Bound for Some Sample-Dependent Convex
    Optimization Problems with Applications in Learning
    by Tong Zhang

    Optimizing Average Reward Using Discounted Rewards
    by Sham Kakade

    Estimating a Boolean perceptron from its Average Satisfying Assignment:
    A bound on the precision required
    by Paul Goldberg

    Agnostic Boosting
    by Shai Ben-David, Philip M. Long and Yishay Mansour

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon May 07 2001 - 10:40:49 PDT