[UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms when exact solution is not available?

From: Haipeng Guo (hpguo@cis.ksu.edu)
Date: Mon May 07 2001 - 10:26:48 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Grunwald: "[UAI] (EURO-) COLT 2001 Amsterdam CALL FOR PARTICIPATION"

    Hi, there,

     To measure the accuracy of an approximate Bayesian inference algorithm,
    many people use either Mean Square Error(MSE) or cross-entropy between the
    exact and the approximate marginal probabilities of all nodes. But there
    is a possibility that for some very large networks the exact marginals
    can't be computed at all. My question is how to evaluate the algorithm's
    perfomance for these very large networks for which eaxct solution is not
    available at all?
     Thank you very much if you would provide any references to this question.


    KDD Lab, CIS Dept., Kansas State University

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