Re: Re; [UAI} Definition of a Bayesian Network

From: Herman Bruyninckx (
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 09:38:02 PDT

  • Next message: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey: "RE: [UAI] BBNs for GIS models"

    On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 wrote:

    > The counterparts of product and sum in probabilistic computations are the
    > operations of t-norm and t-conorm.

    The "generalizations" you always talk of hinge around the concept of
    t-norm and t-conorm. But: as far as I know, the choice of these norms
    is _completely arbitrary_, in contrast to the Bayesian framework,
    where all operations are founded in basic "axioms". (I use quotation
    marks, because it is not necessary to use the axiomatic approach to
    Bayesian inference.)
    So, what use is there to generalize if that generalization boils down
    to arbitrariness in the methods and hence also in the results????

    > Important contributions to the theory of such nets were made by Dubois and
    > Prade. For recent results see Benferhat, Dubois, Kaci and Prade (Proc. Of
    > UAI'99, 57-64, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.)

    I've worked with people in this community, and they are masters in
    "tuning" the above-mentioned arbitrariness to get the results they
    needed. (And they know it...)


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