RE: [UAI] BBNs for GIS models

From: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey (
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 12:17:05 PDT

  • Next message: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey: "Re: Re; [UAI} Definition of a Bayesian Network"

    There was a wonderful series of lecture notes called "Lectures in
    Pattern Theory" by Ulf Grenander, which I requested and received via
    US postal service way back in the late 80's. I still have it, and
    still look at it occasionally. I don't know whether it was ever


    At 9:38 AM -0700 8/29/01, Robert P. Goldman wrote:
    >I don't know if this is specific enough to be helpful, but in addition to
    >conventional Bayes nets, this actually sounds very similar to the spatial
    >reasoning that was done in machine vision work by Geman and Geman. Their
    >paper on this, which is a classic, can be found in Shafer and Pearl's book
    >Readings in Uncertain Reasoning, published by Morgan Kaufmann. Here's a
    > AUTHOR = {Stuart Geman and Donald Geman},
    > TITLE = {Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions and the Bayesian
    > restoration of images},
    > YEAR = {1984},
    > VOLUME = {6},
    > note = {Republished in \cite{UNCReadings}},
    > PAGES = {721-741}
    >PAMI is the IEEE Proceedings on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
    >A great deal of vision work like this was done at the Brown University
    >Department of Applied Mathematics by Geman, Ulf Grenander and others. The
    >central theme was to take a grid of pixels and treat it as a Markov Field,
    >and then find interpretations as optimal labelings. Higher level processes
    >could also be represented (e.g. edges) as influences on the pixel random
    >variables. The geographical analogy should be clear.
    >I'm afraid I haven't tracked this work, so I can't provide more up-to-date
    >- -----Original Message-----
    >From: []On Behalf Of
    >Scott Wooldridge
    >Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 8:54 PM
    >Subject: [UAI] BBNs for GIS models
    >I am looking to undertake a spatial risk assessment for the Great =
    >Barrier Reef Marine Park, which will take into considertaion the =
    >combined influences of cyclones, bleaching (elevated SST), flood plumes, =
    >and crown-of-thorn starfish (COTS). For example I would like to be able =
    >to provide a solution to the question, "What is the likelihood that a =
    >given coral reef will receive damage (of a certain degree) within a =
    >given time-frame".
    >Sufficient spatial predictive modelling has been done for all quantities =
    >(perhaps not the COTS), for me to assign the likelihood of occurrence =
    >for each hazard for different return periods. Obviously there is some =
    >correlation in the occurence of the different hazards (e.g. =
    >cyclone/flood plumes). The data sources can also be considered to be of =
    >different spatial resolution and accuracy.=20
    >I like the thought of being able to frame the combined risk assessment =
    >in terms of a spatial Bayesian Belief Network.=20
    >Is anyone aware of any software/code that has been written which could =
    >adequately address the spatial nature of this problem (i.e. BBN within a =
    >raster/GIS based structure)?
    >I have no practical experience with the implementation of BBNs and would =
    >enjoy hearing people's comments on the suitability of BBNs to the above =
    >Any better suggestions?
    >Many Thanks,
    >- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >Dr Scott Wooldridge
    >Spatial Analyst, Reef Futures Group
    >Australian Institute of Marine Science
    >PMB No. 3, Townsville MC Qld 4810
    >Telephone: (07) 47534334
    >Facsimile: (07) 47725852=20
    >"the future belongs to those who see the possibilities before they =
    >become obvious" Theodore Leavitt
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