[UAI] BBNs for GIS models

From: Scott Wooldridge (s.wooldridge@aims.gov.au)
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 18:53:52 PDT

  • Next message: Choh Man Teng: "[UAI] CFP: Imprecise and Indeterminate Probabilities in AI"


    I am looking to undertake a spatial risk assessment for the Great =
    Barrier Reef Marine Park, which will take into considertaion the =
    combined influences of cyclones, bleaching (elevated SST), flood plumes, =
    and crown-of-thorn starfish (COTS). For example I would like to be able =
    to provide a solution to the question, "What is the likelihood that a =
    given coral reef will receive damage (of a certain degree) within a =
    given time-frame".

    Sufficient spatial predictive modelling has been done for all quantities =
    (perhaps not the COTS), for me to assign the likelihood of occurrence =
    for each hazard for different return periods. Obviously there is some =
    correlation in the occurence of the different hazards (e.g. =
    cyclone/flood plumes). The data sources can also be considered to be of =
    different spatial resolution and accuracy.=20

    I like the thought of being able to frame the combined risk assessment =
    in terms of a spatial Bayesian Belief Network.=20

    Is anyone aware of any software/code that has been written which could =
    adequately address the spatial nature of this problem (i.e. BBN within a =
    raster/GIS based structure)?

    I have no practical experience with the implementation of BBNs and would =
    enjoy hearing people's comments on the suitability of BBNs to the above =

    Any better suggestions?

    Many Thanks,

    Dr Scott Wooldridge

    Spatial Analyst, Reef Futures Group
    Australian Institute of Marine Science
    PMB No. 3, Townsville MC Qld 4810

    Telephone: (07) 47534334
    Facsimile: (07) 47725852=20
    E-mail: s.wooldridge@aims.gov.au

    "the future belongs to those who see the possibilities before they =
    become obvious" Theodore Leavitt

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