[UAI] faculty positions in new Statistics Dept at UCI

From: Padhraic Smyth (smyth@ics.uci.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 15:23:47 PDT

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    [apologies as usual if you receive this more than once]

    Dear Colleagues,
         The University of California, Irvine (UCI) has just announced
    the creation of a new statistics department. In the coming year
    UCI will be hiring for three positions, two tenured (one of which is
    the chair) and one tenure-track. Computational statistics (in
    a broad sense, including graphical models, machine learning, etc) is
    one of the areas where we are likely to be hiring, so I would
    encourage those of you who are interested to please apply and/or
    to pass the word along to any colleagues who might be interested.
    (full details below).
        This new department is likely to offer significant opportunities
    for interdisciplinary collaborations with faculty and students in
    other departments at UCI including computer science, biological
    sciences, medicine, cognitive science, economics, all of which
    are actively involved in setting up the new department.

    Padhraic Smyth
    Information and Computer Science
    University of California, Irvine


    Announces a Department in Statistics

    The University of California, Irvine is starting a Department of
    Statisitcs. We anticipate appointing a full-time faculty in
    statistics of 6-8 people over the next seven years, with several more
    half-time appointments shared with other units at UCI. It will be a
    department with a strongly interdisciplinary flavor, focused both on
    theoretical research and applied problems, and it will be associated
    with an independent statistical consulting center that presently
    serves the campus and surrounding businesses and industry.

    Three faculty positions are open for recruitment in 2001-02: two with
    tenure, including one for the Chair of the Department; and one
    tenure-track assistant professorship. In all cases demonstrated
    excellence in research, teaching, and service are sought and, in the
    case of the Chair evidence of leadership ability is required.

    UCI is one of the youngest campuses in the University of California,
    yet we are already ranked 10th among public universities. We are
    projected to grow by almost 50% over the next ten years, with
    significant increases in graduate enrollment. The new Department of
    Statistics will occupy a prominent place in this expanding academic
    profile, and it will interact significantly with a wide range of
    existing departments and innovative programs across the whole campus.

    A detailed account of plans for the new department is available at
    www.evc.uci.edu/proposal.pdf. For information about UCI, see
    www.uci.edu/. For information about the community around UCI, see

    Completed applications with a cover letter, sample research
    publications, and if possible three letters of recommendation and up
    to five additional names who may be contacted should be sent to the
    Chair of the search committee:

                    Professor Duncan Luce
                    c/o Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor
                    535 Administration Bldg.
                    University of California, Irvine
                    Irvine, CA 92697-1000

                    (Applications received before November 1, 2001, will receive
                    preference, but later applications will be considered.)

    The University of California is an Equal Opportunity Employer
    committed to excellence through diversity.

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