[UAI] UAI and double blind reviews

From: Langseth Helge (Helge.Langseth@indman.sintef.no)
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 21:01:19 PST

  • Next message: Colette Faucher: "[UAI] CFP KES'2002 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems"

    I just wondered why the UAI conferences don't use a double-blind review
    process (i.e. both the author(s) as well as the reviewers are anonymous
    during the reviewing)? Although it would mean a slight increase in paper
    work for the organisation committee, it would also give the appearance of
    higher professionalism throughout the community.

    (No, this is not about me being rejected and wanting to blame someone else,
    or whatever. It is simply the observation that many other highly competitive
    arenas, such as the IJCAI, have introduced double-blind reviews a long time

    Best regards
    Helge Langseth

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