[UAI] 3 PhD/3 Postdoc Positions

From: Tim Pearce (t.c.pearce@leicester.ac.uk)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 10:24:49 PST

  • Next message: Colette Faucher: "[UAI] CFP and participation : "Causality and Categorization", FLAIRS 2002 workshop"

    Qualified applicants are being sought for 6 positions (3 postdoctoral
    and 3 postgraduate PhD. Researchers) at 3 institutions across Europe
    in the areas of computational neuroscience, neuromorphic engineering,
    and experimental neuroscience. All six positions are funded for 4
    years duration under the EU Framework V IST, Future and Emerging
    Technologies initiative, starting from January 2002.

    The project concerns the development of an unmanned aerial vehicle
    (UAV) artefact to perform stereotypical moth-like chemotaxis behaviour
    in uncertain environments. We propose to develop biologically-inspired
    sensor, information processing and control systems for a c
    (hemosensing) UAV. The cUAV will identify and track volatile compounds
    of different chemical composition in outdooor environments. Its
    olfactory and sensory-motor systems are to be inspired by the moth.
    This development continues our research in artificial and biological
    olfaction, sensory processing and analysis, neuronal models of
    learning, real-time behavioural control, and robotics. Fleets of cUAVs
    will ultimately be deployed to sense, identify, and map the airborne
    chemical composition of large scale environments. Further details on
    the project and the research teams can be found at

    The project includes significant funding and opportunities for travel
    within Europe to visit the laboratories of the participating consortia
    and outside Europe to attend international scientific meetings.

    University of Leicester, UK. A computational neuroscience postdoctoral
    researcher is required to develop a biologically constrained model of
    the insect antennal lobe operating in real-time and driven by
    broadly-tuned integrated chemosensors. Expertise in modelling of
    spiking neuronal populations, information theoretical analysis, and/or
    modelling of synaptic plasticity is desirable. A postgraduate
    researcher (who will be expected to register for a PhD) in the area of
    neuromorphic engineering is required to support this modelling
    activity as well as deal with the implementation of the model using
    FPGA/DSP technology and its integration with real-world chemical
    sensors. Strong mathematical, analytical and programming skills are
    required for both positions. Informal enquiries regarding these
    positions and the project in general should be addressed to the
    project co-ordinator, Dr. T.C. Pearce, Department of Engineering,
    University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom, +44 116
    223 1290, t.c.pearce@le.ac.uk

    ETH/Univ Zurich, Switzerland. A computational neuroscience
    postdoctoral researcher is required to implement a model of
    sequence-based learning based upon the protocerebellum of the moth. A
    PhD researcher is also required for neuromorphic hardware
    implmentation. Both researchers will be involved in the construction
    of the UAV. Hence, interest and demonstrated skills in both
    computational neuroscience and the construction and control of robots
    is required. Informal enquiries regarding these positions and the
    project in general should be addressed to the project co-ordinator,
    Dr. P.F.M.J. Verschure, Institute of Neuroinformatics
    Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057, Zurich, Switzerland. ++41 1 6353070,

    Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden. At the researcher level we will
    hire a postdoctoral scientist specializing in neurophysiology and
    neuromorphology of the insect central olfactory system. The main task
    will be to elucidate neural interactions within the antennal lobe
    allowing the amplification in sensitivity observed in earlier
    investigations A postgraduate researcher (who will be expected to
    register for a PhD) will work on similar issues but will also perform
    behavioural experiments investigating moth orientation to host odours
    and run linked gas chromatographic - electrophysiological experiments
    to pinpoint active semiochemicals. Both positions require skills in
    neurobiological techniques. Both positions will be formal positions,
    including full Swedish social benefits. Informal enquiries regarding
    these positions and the project in general should be addressed to the
    local co-ordinator, Professor Bill S. Hansson, Division of Chemical
    Ecology, Department of Crop Science, Swedish University of
    Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 44, SE-23053 Alnarp, Sweden, +46
    40415300, bill.hansson@vv.slu.se

    Applicants should send a CV, cover letter stating for which position
    they are applying, the names of at least three referees, to the named
    academic associated with each position. Deadline for receipt of
    applications is 20th December, 2001.



    T.C. Pearce, PhD          URL: http://www.leicester.ac.uk/eg/tcp1/
    Lecturer in Bioengineering         E-mail: t.c.pearce@leicester.ac.uk
    Department of Engineering        Tel: +44 (0)116 223 1290
    University of Leicester          Fax: +44 (0)116 252 2619
    Leicester LE1 7RH                Bioengineering, Transducers and
    United Kingdom                       Signal Processing Group

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