[UAI] CFP and participation : "Causality and Categorization", FLAIRS 2002 workshop

From: Colette Faucher (colette.faucher@wanadoo.fr)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 10:30:41 PST

  • Next message: Lev Goldfarb: "[UAI] A paper: "What is a structural measurement process?""

    FLAIRS 2002 Workshop : "Causality and Categorization"
    May 15, 2002, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Pensacola, Florida=

    Website : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/colette.faucher/causality.html

    Topic of the workshop :
    This workshop is intended to further the study of the role of causal
    knowledge in the categorization process (how to acquire categories or
    concepts, use them, represent them, and so on).
    More precisely, at least the following questions seem worth discussing :
    - how causal information intervenes in the concept learning process,
    - what is the importance of causal information to completing the usual
    accounts of the representation of concepts (subject-predicate, prototypical
    and by means of exemplars),
    - how causal knowledge can be inferred from instances, to be represented
    within concepts, in the framework of unsupervised learning systems.
    This workshop is related to the special track : "Categorization and Concept
    Representation : Models and Implications".

    Planned format :
    Four invited talks are planned (duration of each talk : 45 minutes).
    Interested researchers are invited to submit papers relevant to the topic.
    Each presentation must not exceed 20 minutes.
    Papers must be written using MS Word, RTF or PDF formats according to AAAI's
    standard format for authors. They must be sent to both Clark Glymour and
    Colette Faucher.
    Only a few papers (about 6) will be presented to have time to discuss both
    the talks and the presented papers. Papers presented at the workshop WILL be
    included as workshop briefs in the published proceedings of FLAIRS. They
    also will be possibly published in an international journal.
    The meeting will be split into a morning and an afternoon session.

    Important dates :
    Paper Submission Deadline : February 1, 2002
    Notification of Acceptance-Rejection : February 15, 2002
    Camera Ready Copy Due : March 4, 2002
    Conference Date : May 15, 2002

    Conditions of attendance :
    Except for the invited speakers and those people presenting submitted
    papers, attendance will be by application only so that there can be fruitful
    exchange between participants in a less formal and more intimate way than
    during the corresponding track (see above).
    Please, send your application (short CV and selected publications) to Clark
    Glymour and Colette Faucher.

    Presentation of the invited talks :

    Patricia Cheng, UCLA Department of Psychology, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    Title : "Functional Basic-Level Categories and Causal Theories"
    Abstract :
    One might think that causal discovery depends on the definition of the
    entities among which causal relations are to be discovered. Categorization
    would therefore precede the discovery of causal relations. This paper argues
    for a dependence in the opposite direction: Causal discovery is the driving
    force underlying our mental representation of the world, not only in the
    sense that it is important to know how things influence each other, but also
    in the sense that causal relations define what should be considered things
    in our mental universe. The paper provides evidence that categorization does
    not precede causal discovery; instead, the two operate together as a single
    process, with optimal causal discovery being the driving force. In
    particular, the paper presents experiments showing that "basic-level"
    functional kinds are defined by causal theories of the functions in
    question, rather than by similarity relations. The latter are merely
    byproducts of the causal theories. Using identical stimuli, the experiments
    manipulated the level of inclusiveness of the target function to be learned.
    This manipulation shifted the basic level in a hierarchy, as indicated by
    such properties as similarity structure, verification performance, and
    choice of description.

    Bob Rehder, Department of Psychology, New York Univ.,New York, NY, USA
    Title : "A Causal-Model Theory of Conceptual Representation and
    Abstract :
    This talk introduces a theory of categorization that accounts for the
    effects of causal knowledge that interrelates or links the features of
    categories. According to causal-model theory, people explicitly represent
    the probabilistic causal mechanisms that link category features, and
    classify objects by evaluating whether they were likely to have been
    generated by those mechanisms. Participants were taught causal knowledge
    that linked features of a novel category into a causal chain. In three
    experiments, causal-model theory provided a good quantitative account of the
    effect of this causal knowledge on the importance of both individual
    features and inter-feature correlations to classification, and did so
    without postulating differences in subjective feature weights or
    higher-order properties. By enabling precise model fits and interpretable
    parameter estimates causal-model theory places the "theory-based" approach
    to conceptual representation on equal footing with the well-known
    similarity-based approaches.

    Steven A. Sloman, Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences, Brown Univ., Providence,
    RI, USA
    Title : "The Psychology of Causal Reasoning"
    Abstract :
    I report empirical tests of a probabilistic framework for causal modeling
    that captures strong intuitions about human thought and reasoning, including
    intuitions about the nature of counterfactual reasoning and the distinction
    between observation and action. The fundamental claim of the framework is
    that people represent the world by decomposing it into autonomous
    mechanisms. The experiments reported examine a key assumption of the
    framework "its representation of actual and counterfactual intervention" in
    order to evaluate its viability as a source of cognitive models of
    categorical reasoning. The experiments focus on counterfactual inference.
    Implications for conceptual structure are discussed with emphasis on how
    people think about the functions of human artifacts.

    Michael R. Waldmann, Department of Psychology, Univ. of G=F6ttingen,
    G=F6ttingen, GERMANY
    Title : " Categories and Causal Models : A Tale of Chickens and Eggs"
    Abstract :
    The standard view guiding research on causality presupposes the existence of
    networks of causes and effects in the world that cognitive systems try to
    mirror. This position also underlies current research on the relationship
    between categories and causality. According to the view that categorization
    is theory-based, traditional similarity-based accounts of categorization are
    deficient because they ignore the fact that many categories are grounded in
    knowledge about causal structures. And indeed in a number of experiments,
    which will be summarized in the first part of the talk, we have shown that
    prior assumptions about the causal status of learning events governs the
    process of learning new categories. These studies show that learners use
    prior knowledge to create representations about causal models rather than
    associating cues with outcomes, as standard associative theories or
    regression models assume. However, in the second part of the talk I will
    present evidence that shows that the opposite direction, which thus far has
    largely been neglected, also holds. Categories that have been acquired in
    previous learning contexts may influence subsequent causal learning. It can
    be shown that different conceptual schemes may lead to dramatically
    different causal models with identical learning data. Thus, there is a
    bi-directional interaction between categories and causal models, similar to
    the relation between paradigms and scientific discovery.

    Workshop co-chairs :
    Clark Glymour
    John Pace Scholar and Senior Research Scientist, IHMC, University of West
    Alumni University Professor of Philosophy
    Department of Philosophy
    Carnegie Mellon University 135 Baker Hall
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
    E-mail : cg09@andrew.cmu.edu
    Phone : (412) 268-2933
    Fax : (412) 268-1440

    Colette Faucher
    Associate Professor of Computer Science
    Facult=E9 des Sciences de Saint-J=E9r=F4me, Universit=E9 d'Aix-Marseille III,
    Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, 13397, Marseille, Cedex 20,
    E-mail : colette.faucher@iuspim.u-3mrs.fr and colette.faucher@wanadoo.fr
    Phone : (+33) 4 91 05 60 58
    Fax : (+33) 4 91 05 60 33

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