
  1. Aragon, C., Hill, D.F., 2024, "Changing snow water storage in natural snow reservoirs," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, [link].
  2. Hill, D.F., Aragon, C., 2022, "Stuck in the Wild—The Hydrology of the Teklanika River (Alaska) in the Summer of 1992," Frontiers in Earth Science - Hydrosphere, [link].
  3. Holzenthal, E., Wengrove, M.E., Hill, D.F., 2022, "Mechanisms of sediment transport around finite patches of submerged aquatic vegetation," Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v.273(31), [link].
  4. Holzenthal, E., Hill, D.F., Wengrove, M.E., 2022, "Multi-Scale Influence of Flexible Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) on Estuarine Hydrodynamics," Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, v.10(4), [link].
  5. Crumley, R.L., Hill, D.F., Wikstrom Jones, K., Wolken, G.J., Arendt, A.A., Aragon, C.M., Cosgrove, C., 2021, "Assimilation of citizen science data in snowpack modeling using a new snow data set: Community Snow Observations," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, v.25, pp.4651-4680, [link].
  6. Hauri, C., Schultz, C,. Hedstrom, K., Danielson, S., Irving, B., Doney, S., Dussin, R., Curchitser, E., Hill, D.F., Stock, C.A., 2020, "A regional hindcast model simulating ecosystem dynamics, inorganic carbon chemistry and ocean acidification in the Gulf of Alaska," Biogeosciences, v.17, pp.3837-3857, [link].
  7. Hill, D.F., Burakowski, E.A., Crumley, R.L., Keon, J., Hu, J.M., Arendt, A.A., Wikstrom Jones, K., Wolken G.J., 2019, "Converting snow depth to snow water equivalent using climatological variables," The Cryosphere, v.13, pp.1767-1784, [link].
  8. Haigh, I., Pickering, M., Mattias Green, J., Arbic, B., Arns, A., Dangendorf, S., Hill, D.F., Horsburgh, K., Howard, T., Idier, D., Jay, D., Lee, S., Muller, M., Schindelegger, M., Talke, S., Wilmes, S.-B., Woodworth, P., 2019, "The tides they are a changing," Reviews of Geophysics, [link].
  9. Parker, K., Ruggiero, P., Serafin, K., Hill, D.F., 2019, "Emulation as an Approach for Rapid Estuarine Modeling," Coastal Engineering, v.150, pp.79-93, [link].
  10. Parker, K., Hill, D.F., Garcia-Medina, G., Beamer, J., 2019, "The Effects of Changing Climate on Estuarine Water Levels: A Pacific Northwest Case Study," Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, v.19, pp.1601-1618, [link].
  11. Serafin, K., Ruggiero, P., Parker, K., Hill, D.F., 2019, "What's streamflow got to do with it? A probabilistic simulation of the competing oceanographic and fluvial processes driving along-river extreme water levels," Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, v.19, pp.1415-1431, [link].
  12. Hill, D.F., Crumley, R., Wolken, G., Wikstrom-Jones, K., 2018, "Community Snow Observations - Crowdsourcing Snow Depth Data With Citizen Scientists," EOS, 99, [link].
  13. Danielson, S., Hill, D.F., Hedstrom, K., Beamer, J., Curchitser, E., 2018, "Coupled terrestrial hydrological and ocean circulation modeling across the Gulf of Alaska coastal interface," Geophysical Research Letters, submitted.
  14. Crumley, R., Hill, D.F., Beamer, J.P., 2019, "Hydrologic diversity in Glacier Bay, Alaska: spatial patterns and temporal change," The Cryosphere, v.13, pp.1597-1619, [link].
  15. Warren, G., Mosier, T., Sharp, K.V., Hill, D.F., "2018, Small Hydropower Toolkit: Considerations for Improving Global Development and an Accompanying Case Study for Pakistan," Pittsburgh Law Review, v.80(1), pp.137-174. [link].
  16. Mosier, T., Hill, D.F., Sharp, K.V., 2017, "Update to the Global Climate Data Package: Analysis of Empirical Bias Correction Methods in the Context of Producing Very High Resolution Climate Projections,” International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.5213. [link].
  17. Beamer, J., Hill, D.F., McGrath, D., Arendt, A., Kienholz, C., 2017, "Hydrologic Impacts of Climate and Glacier Cover Change in the Gulf of Alaska Watershed," Water Resources Research, v.53, pp.7502-7520, doi:10.1002/2016WR020033. [link].
  18. Kemp, A.C., Horton, B.P., Nikitina, D., Vane, C.H., Potapova, M., Weber-Bruya, E., Culver, S.J., Repkina, T., Hill, D.F.,  2017, "The distribution and utility of sea-level indicators in Eurasiona sub-arctic salt marshes (White Sea, Russia)," Boreas, 10.1111/bor.12233. ISSN 0300-9483. [link]
  19. Parker, K., Hill, D.F., 2017, "Application of bias-correction techniques to nearshore wave modeling," Ocean Modelling, v.110, pp.52-65. [link]
  20. Meltzner, A. Switzer, A., Horton, B.P., Qiu, Q., Hill, E.M., Hill, D.F., Bradley, S.L., Majewski, J.M., Natawidjaja, D.H., Suwargadi, B.W., 2017, "Rapid 60-cm sea level oscillations revealed with decennially-resolved mid-Holocene corals," Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14387. [link].
  21. Khan, N., Ashe, E., Horton, B.P., Dutton, A., Kopp, R.E., Brocard, G., Engelhart, S., Hill, D.F., Peltier, W.R., Vane, C.H., Scatena, F.N., 2017, "Drivers of Holocene sea-level change in the Caribbean," Quaternary Science Reviews, v.155, pp.13-36. [link]
  22. Mosier, T., Hill, D.F., Sharp, K.V., 2016, "How Much Cryosphere Model Complexity is Just Right? Exploration Using the Conceptual Cryrosphere Hydrology Framework," The Cryosphere, doi:10.5194/tc-10-2147-2016. [link].
  23. Hill, D.F., 2016, "Spatial and Temporal Variability in Tidal Range: Evidence, Causes and Effects," Current Climate Change Reports, doi:10.1007/s40641-016-0044-8. [link]
  24. Mosier, T., Sharp, K.V., Hill, D.F., 2016, "The hydropower potential assessment tool (HPAT): evaluation of run-of-river resource potential for any global land area and application to Oregon, USA," Renewable Energy, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.06.002. [link].
  25. Beamer, J., Hill, D.F., Arendt, A., Liston, G., 2016, "High-resolution modeling of coastal freshwater discharge and glacier mass balance in the Gulf of Alaska watershed," Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2015WR018457. [link].
  26. Hawkes, A.D., Kemp, A.C., Donnelly, J.P., Horton, B.P., Peltier, W.R., Cahill, N., Hill, D.F., Ashe, E., Alexander, C., 2016, "Relative sea-level change in northeastern Florida (USA) during the last ~8.0 ka," QSR, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.04.016. [link].
  27. Nikitina, D., Kemp, A.C., Englehart, S., Horton, B.P., Hill, D.F., Kopp, R.E., 2015, "Sea-level change and subsidence in the Delaware Estuary during the last ~2200 years" Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v.164, pp.506-519. [link].
  28. Cheng, T., Hill, D.F., Read, W., 2015, "The contributions to storm tides in Pacific Northwest estuaries: Tillamook Bay, Oregon and the December 2007 Storm," Journal of Coastal Research,  v.31(3), pp.723-734. [link]
  29. Cheng, T., Hill, D.F., Beamer, J., Garcia, G., 2015, "Climate change impacts on wave and surge processes in a Pacific Northwest (USA) estuary," Journal of Geophysical Research, v.120(1), pp.182-200. [link]
  30. Hill, D.F., Bruhis, N., Calos, S.E., Arendt., A., Beamer, J., 2015, “Spatial and Temporal Variability of Freshwater Discharge into the Gulf of Alaska,” Journal of Geophysical Research, v.120(2), pp.634-646. [link]
  31. Kalmbacher, K., Hill, D.F., 2014, "The effects of tides and currents on tsunami propagation in large rivers: idealized cases and the Columbia River," Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)/WW.1943-5460.0000290. [link]
  32. Hill, D.F., 2014, "A simple model for the recirculation velocity of open-channel embayments," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v.140(4), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000837. [link].
  33. Mosier, T., Hill, D.F., Sharp, K.V., 2014, "Very high resolution monthly climate surfaces with global land coverage," International Journal of Climatology, v.34(7), pp.2175-2188. [link].
  34. Arendt, A., Luthcke, S., Gardner, A., O'Neel, S., Hill, D.F., Abdalati, W., 2013 "Analysis of a GRACE global mascon solution for Gulf of Alaska Glaciers," Journal of Glaciology, v.59(217), doi:10.3189/2013JoG12J197. [link].
  35. Horton, B.P., Engelhart, S.E., Hill, D.F., Kemp, A., Nikitina, D., Miller, 2013, "Influence of local-scale processes on Holocene sea-level change, New Jersey," Journal of Quaternary Science, v.28(4), pp.403-411. [link].
  36. Hall, G.F., Hill, D.F., Horton, B.P., Engelhart, S.E., Peltier, W.R., 2013, "A high-resolution study of tides in the Delaware Bay: past conditions and future scenarios," Geophysical Research Letters, v.40(2), pp.338-342. [link].
  37. Drew, G., Hill, D.F., Piatt, J.F., 2013, “Current effects and the role of tides in fine-scale use of marine bird habitats in a Southeast Alaska hotspot,” Marine Ecology Progress Series, v.487, pp.275-286. [link].
  38. Bieniek, P., Bhatt, U., Thoman, R., Angeloff, H., Partain, J., Papineau, J., Fritsch, F., Holloway, E., Walsh, J., Daly, C., Shulski, M., Hufford, G., Hill, D.F., Calos, S., Gens, R., 2012, “Climate divisions for Alaska based on Objective Methods,” J. Applied Meterology and Climatology, v.51(7), pp.1276-1289.
  39. Klaar, M., Maddock, I., Milner, A., Hill, D.F., 2011, “The dynamics of coarse woody debris within recently deglaciated streams in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska,” Geomorphology, v.130, pp.208-220.
  40. Hill, D.F., Griffiths, S.D., Peltier, W.R., Horton, B.P., Tornqvist, T.E., 2011, “High-resolution numerical modeling of tides in the western Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea during the Holocene,” Journal of Geophysical Research, v.116(C10014), 16pp.
  41. Chenoweth, E., Gabriele, C., Hill, D., 2011, "Micro-scale tidal influences on humpback whale habitat selection," Marine Ecology Progress Series, v.423, pp.279-289.
  42. de Vries, S., Hill, D.F., de Schipper, M., Stive, M.J.F., 2011, "Remote sensing of coastal waves using stereo imaging," Coastal Engineering, v.58(3), pp.239-250.
  43. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A.R., Hill, D.F., 2010, “The application of intertidal foraminifera to reconstruct coastal subsidence during the giant Cascadia earthquake of AD 1700 in Oregon, USA,” Quaternary International, v.221(1-2), pp.116-140.
  44. Hill, D.F., Ciavola, S., Etherington, L., Klaar, M., 2009, "Estimation of freshwater runoff into Glacier Bay, Alaska and incorporation into a tidal circulation model," Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v.82, pp.95-107.
  45. Hill, D.F., Younkin, B.D., 2009, "A simple estimation of the growth rate and equilibrium size of bedforms created by a turbulent wall jet," Journal of Hydraulic Research, v.47(5), pp.619-625.
  46. Sharp, K.V., Hill, D.F., Troolin, D., Walters, G., Lai, W., 2009, "Volumetric 3-component velocimetry (V3V) measurements of the turbulent flow in stirred tank reactors," Experiments in Fluids, doi 10.1007/s00348-009-0711-9.
  47. Younkin, B., Hill, D., 2009, "Rapid bathymetric surveys of an evolving scour hole using planar laser sheet illumination," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v.135(10), pp.852-856.
  48. Hill, D.F., Vergara, A., Parra, E., 2008, "Destratification by mechanical mixers: mixing efficiency and flow scaling," ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v.134(12), pp.1772-1777.
  49. Etherington, L., Hooge, P., Hooge, E., Hill, D., 2007, "Oceanography of Glacier Bay, Alaska: implications for biological patterns and productivity in a glacial fjord estuary," Estuaries and Coasts, v.30(6), pp.927-944.
  50. Connell, R.J., Kulasiri, D., Lennon, J., Hill, D.F., 2007, "Computational modeling of turbulent velocity structure for open channel flow using Karhunen-Loeve expansion," International Journal of Computational Methods, v.4(3), pp.493-519.
  51. Hill, D.F., Younkin, B.D., 2006, “Measurements of turbulent flow in and around scour holes,” Experiments in Fluids, v.41, pp.295-307.
  52. Lennon, J.M., Hill, D.F., 2006, “Particle image velocimetry measurements of hydraulic and undular jumps,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v.132(12), pp.1283-1294.
  53. Hill, D.F., Frandsen, J., 2005, “Transient evolution of weakly-nonlinear sloshing waves: an analytical and numerical comparison,” Journal of Engineering Mathematics, v.53(2), pp.187-198.
  54. Yoon, H.S., Hill, D.F., Balachandar, S., Adrian, R., 2005, “Flow scaling in a Rushton turbine stirred tank, part 1 – mean flow, jet, and tip vortex components,” Chemical Engineering Science, v.60(12), pp.3169-318.
  55. Raju, R., Balachandar, S., Hill, D.F., Adrian, R., 2005, “Flow scaling in a Rushton turbine stirred tank, part 2 – eigen-decomposition of fluctuation,” Chemical Engineering Science, v.60(12), pp.3185-3198.
  56. Hill, D.F., 2004, “Weakly-nonlinear cubic interactions between surface waves and interfacial waves: an analytic soluion,” Physics of Fluids, v.16(3), pp.839-842.
  57. Hill, D.F., 2003, “Transient and steady-state amplitudes of forced waves in closed basins,” Physics of Fluids, v.15(6), pp.1576-1587.
  58. Beachler, M.M., Hill, D.F., 2003, “Stirring up trouble? Resuspension of bottom sediments by recreational watercraft,” Lake and Reservoir Management, v.19(1), pp.15-25.
  59. Hill, D.F., 2002, “General density gradients in general domains: the two-tank method revisited,” Experiments in Fluids, v.32(4), pp.434-440.
  60. Hill, D.F., 2002, “The Faraday resonance of interfacial waves in weakly-viscous fluids,” Physics of Fluids, v.14(1), pp.158-169.
  61. Yoon, H.S., Sharp, K.V., Hill, D.F., Adrian, R.J., Balachandar, S., Ha, M.Y., Kar, K., 2001, “Integrated experimental and computational approach to simulation of flow in a stirred tank,” Chemical Engineering Science, v.56, pp.6635-6649.
  62. Hill, D.F., Sharp, K.V., Adrian, R.J., 2000, “Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow around a Rushton turbine,” Experiments in Fluids, v.29(5), pp.478-485.
  63. Hill, D.F., Foda, M.A., 1999, “The effects of viscosity and elasticity on the non-linear resonance of internal waves,” Journal of Geophysical Research, v.104(C5), pp.10,951-10,958.
  64. Foda, M.A., Hill, D.F., 1998, “Nonlinear energy transfer from semi-diurnal barotropic motion to near-inertial baroclinic motion,” Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28, pp.1865-1872.
  65. Hill, D.F., Foda, M.A., 1998, “Subharmonic resonance of oblique interfacial waves by a progressive surface wave,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 454, pp.1-16.
  66. Foda, M.A., Hill, D.F., Huang, C.-M., DeNeale, P., 1997, “Fluidization response of sediment bed to rapidly falling water surface,” Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 123(5), pp.261-265.
  67. Hill, D.F., Foda, M.A., 1996, “Subharmonic resonance of short internal standing waves by progressive surface waves,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 321, pp.217-224.