CS533: Applied Artificial Intelligence for Engineers (Fall, 2000)
Course Description
A survey of artificial intelligence techniques applied to engineering
problems. The techniques will include object-oriented programming,
state-space search, machine learning (including neural networks), and
Bayesian methods for reasoning under uncertainty. These techniques
will be applied to problems of engineering design, diagnosis,
scheduling, and computer vision. Students will also learn enough
object-oriented programming skills in C++ to apply these techniques.
Prerequisites: Ability to write and understand moderate-sized programs
in C or Pascal, experience with a windowing environment (preferably HP
UNIX), differential calculus and probability.
Name: CS533
Credits: 4
CRN: 15776 MWF 1000-1050 ROGERS Hall Room 440
Important announcements concerning assignments, due dates, etc. are
posted on our USENET newsgroup. You can read this using your WWW
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Course Handouts
Homework Assignments
Note: Solutions are only accessible from computers with .orst.edu
domain names.
Programming Assignments
Viewgraphs for Lectures
Tom Dietterich, tgd@cs.orst.edu