Re: [UAI] Graphical representation of CPTs in belief nets

From: Russell Almond (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 08:55:45 PST

  • Next message: Stuart Russell: "Re: [UAI] Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Network"

      I work for a company that's trying to put together a useful and
      user-friendly (!) belief net application. This involves representing a great
      deal of probabilistic information--a priori probabilities of nodes, actual
      (current) probabilities of nodes, and conditional probability tables (CPTs)
      representing relationships between nodes. There is also data entry
      associated with all these values.

      Our research shows that the best existing applications use histograms to
      show most of these things when it's easy, but that none have a friendly
      interface for the entering or viewing of CPTs. Does anyone know of other
      work that is being done on this problem? Any resources for graphical entry
      of uncertain data in general? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    A lot of the work that I did a while ago for Graphical-Belief is still
    (I believe) on-line. Look at

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            --Russell Almond

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