Flow Dynamics of Thin, Flat Airfoil with Actuated Leading Edge 


  • Static actuation of the leading edge on flow dynamics (Re=14700, Angle of Attack 20 degree)

Left panel: Flow over a thin airfoil at 20 degree angle of attack shows strong separation and gives large variations in lift and drag. Right panel: Static actuation of the leading edge alters the effective angle of attack and reduces the fluctuations in lift and drag. Mean drag coefficient is also reduced, whereas mean lift coefficient is not altered significantly.


  • Dynamic actuation of the leading edge (sinusoidal forcing)
Sinusoidal actuation (5Hz, 10 degree amplitude) of the leading edge at 0 degrees angle of attack and Re=14700, showing symmetric vortex shedding. For the actuator to chord ratio of 0.3, a small mean drag was obtained.
Flow over an airfoil at 20 degrees angle of attack with an actuated leading edge oscillating sinusoidally at 10Hz (reduced frequency k ~2.5). The oscillation amplitude is 10deg. This dynamic actuation results in decreased mean drag and nearly periodic variations in drag and lift coefficients.
Flow over an airfoil at 20 degrees angle of attack with an actuated leading edge oscillating sinusoidally at 10Hz (reduced frequency k ~2.5). The oscillation amplitude is 5deg. This dynamic actuation also results in decreased mean drag and nearly periodic variations in drag and lift coefficients. High frequency, low amplitude actuation provided most increase in mean lift-to-drag ratio










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