Irem Y. Tumer, Ph.D.
Phone: (541) 737-6627
Fax: (541) 737-2600
Office: Rogers 408
See CV for publications.
The mission of the Complex Engineered Systems Design Laboratory is to develop mathematical frameworks to understand, analyze, model,
and design complex and integrated engineered systems that include hardware and software.
A common theme in the ongoing CESD Lab research is the concept of failures and the system-level risks and uncertainty associated with failures,
a desire to enable the designers of such complex hardware-software systems to meet the stringent robustness, reliability, and safety
requirements by developing processes and tools for Systems Engineering, Model-Based Design, and Risk-Informed Design. (See Overview Slides for 2016 Projects.)
Ongoing research interests include (see sample projects):
- Risk and Failure informed design for software-hardware systems
- System-level analysis of complex engineered systems
- Design of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Systems
- Systems requirements development for software-hardware system design and reuse
- Uncertainty analysis and modeling in large organizations
- Function based modeling and analysis
- Verification of complex systems
- Analysis of connectivity and modularity in complex systems
- Robust optimization and mitigation of cascading failures
See feature story on our DARPA funded work in Digital Design of Complex Systems.
Funding for Dr. Tumer's research group includes (see projects for details) :
- NSF Award CCF-0741584 (NSF Science Of Design Program): A theory of design decisions. (Awarded 2007.)
- NSF Award CBET-0742677 (NSF Engineering Virtual Environments Program): VOICED--A virtual organization for innovative conceptual engineering design. (Awarded 2007.)
- Internal Award (OSU/MIME Internal Seed Funding Call): Understanding and Modeling Design Uncertainty in Real-World Organizations. (Awarded 2008.)
- AFOSR Award FA9550-08-1-0158 (BAA 2007/Mathematics, Information, and Life Sciences/Software and Systems Program): A Framework for Designing Reliable Software Intensive Systems. (Awarded 2008.)
- NSF CMMI-0928076 (NSF Engineering Design and Innovation Program): Quantifying Creativity in Automated Design Through a Multiagent Coordination Framework. (Awarded 2009.)
- NSF CMMI-1030060 (NSF Engineering Design and Innovation Program): A Methodology for Utility-Based Decision Making in Large Design Organizations Using Empirically-Derived Risk Indicators. (Awarded 2010.)
- NASA JPL Award: Integration of Risk as a Tradeable Parameter in Team-X Using ModelCenter. (Awarded 2010.)
- NASA Award: Design-Stage Safety Consideration for Critical Systems Through ISHM and Formal Verification and Validation. (Awarded 2010.)
- DARPA/PARC Award: Formal Co-Verification of Correctness of Large Scale Cyber Physical Systems During Design. (Awarded 2010.)
- DARPA/Vanderbilt University Award: Probabilistic Requirements Verification Through Uncertainty Propagation. (Awarded 2012.)
- NASA Marshall/Univ. of Alabama Award: Reliability and Functional Failure Analysis of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems. (Awarded 2012.)
- DARPA/PARC Award: A Fault Augmented Model Extension Framework for Supporting Verification under the Presence of Faults. (Awarded 2012.)
- NASA Ames/Carnegie Melon University: Verification of Complex Engineered Systems. (Awarded 2013.)
- NSF I/UCRC: Center for e-Design. (Awarded 2014.)
- Keck Foundation: New Shape Shifting Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion. (Awarded 2014.)
- NSF CMMI-1363509. Collaborative Research: Improving the Safety of Complex Engineered Systems by
Identifying Failure Paths Early in the Design Process. (Awarded July 2014.)
- NSF CMMI-1363411. Designing Complex Engineering Systems using Multi-Agent Coordination Approaches. (Awarded July 2014.)
- David Jensen, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2009)
- Jonathan Mueller, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2009 )
- Scott Kramer, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2009)
- Farzaneh Farhangmehr, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2009)
- Blake Giles, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2010)
- Michael Koch, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2010)
- Rudy Hooven, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2010)
- Masahiro Kitagawa, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2010)
- Kerry Poppa, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Spring 2011)
- Bryan OHalloran, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Fall 2011)
- Mike Koopmans, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2011)
- Joe Piacenza, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2012)
- Sarah Oman, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Spring 2012)
- Douglas VanBossuyt, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Spring 2012)
- David Jensen, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Spring 2012)
- Bryan OHalloran, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Spring 2013)
- Brady Gilchrist, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2013)
- Jesse Grimes, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Summer 2013)
- Joe Piacenza, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Spring 2014)
- Hoda Mehrpouyan, ME, OSU (PhD, Graduated, Summer 2014)
- Brandon Haley, ME, OSU (MS, Graduated, Spring 2014)
- Charlie Mannion, ME, OSU (PhD, Start Date: Winter 2014)
- Sean Hunter, ME, OSU (MS, Start Date: Fall 2014)
- Nicolas Soria, ME, OSU (PhD, Start Date: Fall 2014)
To create an internationally recognized graduate program in complex engineered systems, Dr. Tumer has created two graduate-level
courses that address the fundamentals of designing complex, reliable, and safe engineered systems:
Undegraduate courses taught:
- Introduction to Design (see syllabus), focusing on the engineering process and methods;
- Mechanical Component Design (see syllabus), focusing on the fundamentals of engineering failure analysis;
- Intermediate Dynamics (see syllabus), focusing on planar and 3D rigid body motion.
Dr. Irem Tumer joined the Design group in 2006
in Mechanical Engineering at Oregon State University. Her research focuses on the overall problem of designing highly complex and
integrated systems with reduced risk of failures, developing formal methodologies and mathematical frameworks to help
understand and enhance complex system design. Her expertise touches on systems engineering, model-based design, risk-based design,
system analysis and optimization, function-based design, integrated systems health management, vibration monitoring, which has resulted
in numerous journal and refereed conference publications.
Prior to accepting a faculty position at OSU, Dr. Tumer led the
Complex Systems Design and Engineering group in the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center, where she worked from
1998 through 2006 as Research Scientist and Group Lead, and was involved in Project/Program management in various NASA Programs including Intelligent Systems, Engineering
for Complex Systems, Aviation Safety, and the Constellation Programs. She received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from The
University of Texas at Austin in 1998. She is past Technical Program Chair of IEEE Reliability Society's First Annual Prognostics
and Health Management Conference (2008), and Symposium Chair for Integrated Systems Engineering at the ASME Computers and Information in
Engineering Conference (2008). She is past Technical Program Chair (2001) and Conference Chair (2002) for ASME's Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle
Conference, and past Program Chair for the ASME International Design Theory and Methodology Conference (2011) and Conference Chair for the same conference (2012).
She is Associate Editor of ASME's Journal of Mechanical Systems, Guest Editor for AIEDAM's Special Issue in Complex System Design, and has been Guest Editor of JMD's Special Issue on Design under Uncertainty, and past Associate Editor of the Journal of Prognostics and Health Management.
She is currently Associate Dean for Research and Economic Development for the College of Engineering at Oregon State University.