Transportation Research Board ACP50
Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics  




Welcome to the home page of the TRB Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics.

This volunteer TRB committee is concerned with the development, validation, and dissemination of theoretical, experimental, and applied research on traffic flow theory and traffic flow characteristics and the determination of the relationship of traffic flow theory and traffic flow characteristics to the planning, design and operation of transportation systems.

2023 Summer Meeting: The TFTC (ACP50) Summer Meeeting was held at the AMS Institute, July 26-28, 2023 in Amsterdam, NL. Click here to see the committee meeting agenda. A selection of abstracts related to data were invited for submission to a special issue of Data Science for Transportation Journal.

2023 Annual Meeting: The TFTC (ACP50) committee met in person on Monday, January 9, 2023 from 1:30 PM to 3:15 PM (EST) at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Click here to view the meeting agenda and here to view chair letter and more information regarding the annual meeting.

Traffic Flow Theory Webinars: Since 2010, we have hosted more than 70 free Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Webinars in partnership with the TrafficLab at Georgia Tech. In order to keep the committee members updated with the latest findings of TFTC community during the COVID-19 global pandemic, we have reinitiated the Traffic Flow Theory Webinar series. To get the latest announcements please subscribe to the TFT Webinars Google Group. Video recordings of the past meetings can be accessed at TFT YouTube Channel. If you have a topic to suggest or you would like to present a webinar, please contact us at

Previous Webinars:

TFTC Centennial Paper The Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics (ACP50) prepared and submitted a paper to mark the passage of the TRB centennial. This paper is the result of special efforts of the committee members to capture the current state of the art and practice and the perspectives on future directions in the areas of focus.

Joint Simulation Subcommittee (SimSub)

We jointly sponsor the TRB Joint Simulation Subcommittee ACP80(1), chaired by Chris Melson and John Shaw. SimSub is the focal point for coordinating advancements in traffic simulation which crosses multiple committee boundaries. You can volunteer in one of SimSub's task groups: Annual Workshop; Liaison and Outreach; Newsletter; Research Needs and Resources; Simulation Calibration; Verification and Validation; Mesoscopic Simulation; Safety Modeling and Simulation; or Agent-Based Simulation.

Crowd Flow Dynamics, Modeling and Management Subcommittee

Consider getting involved in this subcommittee (AHB45(2)), which is chaired by Serge Hoogendoorn (TU Delft) and Majid Sarvi (Monash University). Follow our Facebook page, and join us for our annual workshop and committee meeting in January at the TRB Annual Meeting.

TRB Publications: Since 1963 the Committee on Traffic Flow Theory & Characteristics has contributed 670 papers to 69 issues of the Transportation Research Record (previously Highway Research Record). These papers have been cited more than 30,000 times according to Google Scholar (thanks to E. Xuan). We invite your comments on these papers—how have they influenced research or practice? Do you cite them? The International Symposium on Traffic and Transportation Theory (ISTTT) has produced 645 papers since 1959, that have been cited more than 28,000 times according to Google Scholar (thanks to V. Gayah).

Greenshields Prize: The 2023 Greenshields Prize will be announced in January 2023.

Gartner Prize: The 2023 Gartner Prize will be announced in January 2023.

ISTTT 25: The 25th Inernational Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory will be held at the University of Michigan from July 15-17, 2024. We will also hold a short summer meeting at the Symposium.

We look forward to your active participation and involvement with this committee. Very sincerely yours,

Dr. Ludovic Leclercq, Committee Chair
Université Gustave Eiffel - ENTPE

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